Call of the Nether Deep

Call of the Nether Deep

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

What lurks beneath the soil of Exandria? Critical role fans and other adventurers alike, I welcome you to explore this prebuilt campaign with me. Long ago an ancient war ravaged the land of Exandria between the Prime deities and the Betrayer gods. Cities fell, oceans raged and the world itself was left scarred before all deities were banished behind the divine gate. Now, centuries later the world has been rebuilt and a new age has begun though the scars, and the history remains.

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Visual Aid, Rule of Cool

Additional Details

How to prepare

Hardware: Have a working microphone Have a working web cam Software: Let me know if you need assistance with any of the following Have discord installed and set up ( Have a roll20 account created ( Have a Dndbeyond account created (

What I provide

Roll20 campaign and maps, as well as possible handmade digital artwork post game

Gameplay details

My campaigns will include everything from heavy roleplay moments to gritty combat encounters and thought provoking but not incredibly difficult puzzle sections. Roleplay: Character voices are encouraged but not mandatory. I do expect players to get to know each others characters eventually and understand that people will try to talk to and get to know theirs. But, by all means, don't lay all of your cards on the table right off the bat. This is a general idea of how I tend to see roleplay emerge within a group; - Session 1: Physical description, maybe some unique characteristics. What you would get after first meeting someone. - Session 3-4: Connect with one maybe two other characters and start revealing what your character likes/dislikes. - Session 6-10: Party bonding, maybe a group name forms. People start to reveal their secrets. Combat: Combat follows typical 5e rules and will be fairly balanced. (No need to min/Max) There will be scenarios where you simply cannot win the fight in which case, running is always an option. Play what you want to play and what interests you. Sometimes I tend to throw an interesting homebrewed rule in there just for some spice. Examples of this include: Automatically doubling the damage on a crit, Flanking rules, completely remaking most of the basic martial weapons to give them some extra utility. This can all be discussed in the session 0. Puzzles: Most of the puzzles I use will be story integrated, meaning you will likely have the answer before you get to the puzzle. I also use milestone when it comes to leveling up. I like leveling up to have some sort of story significance as well. Meaning if a wizard levels up and learns a new spell, I would expect the wizard to spend some time during one of the rests writing down their new spells.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Character creation should be done in DnD beyond prior to session 1, we can use session 0 to help set up or talk about characters. If you need assistance creating characters I am always available to bounce ideas off of or help getting backstory elements set up.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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