DEAD LIGHT - A Frightful Encounter On The Road At Night

DEAD LIGHT - A Frightful Encounter On The Road At Night

Call of Cthulhu on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The date is September 6th, 1920. A Monday. The summer heat is finally breaking, giving way to a cold-front. With any hope, a bit of rain is on its way, at long last. The 20's were a time of innovation and brand-new conveniences. The expansion of the roadways through the Miskatonic Valley, for instance! You and your fellow Investigators (player characters) are headed north from Arkham to Rowley, making use of one such road. While the road in question is relatively new, this valley is old. Very old. And, those who called this place home, long before living memory, knew well to beware a moonless night in the forest... Join in on this one-shot, published by Chaosium, experiencing a story of escalating survival horror in the world of "The C'thulhu Mythos"...! New players of Call of Cthulhu 7e, are welcome! T'anks! Now... 'twas a dark and stormy night...


3 years on StartPlaying

25 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

REQUIRED MATERIALS, SOFTWARE, AND EQUIPMENT: -Webcam -Microphone -A physical set of dice -A free Discord account -The Free Syrinscape Online (beta) app (to be able to hear sound effects) Scroll down and read the instructions at this link if you are unfamiliar with the software. (I will send you an invitation to receive the sounds generated on my account) -A Notebook/Notepad/Writing surface of your choosing for notetaking

What I provide

T'INGS THAT I WILL PROVIDE: -Call of Cthulhu materials -Syrinscape sound effects and music -Fun...AND HORROR!

Gameplay details

During the course of a typical game of Call of Cthulhu, the Investigators (player characters) will, through the course of their activities, regardless of who they are or what they do for a living, encounter something strange, unnatural, or flat-out hair-raisingly horrifying. Humour is a vital component of horror, and I respect this, and will NOT be asking all participants not to have fun XD. However, when things get VERY SERIOUS...! I would appreciate it if participants would please respect the tone, such as it is. Your role, as investigators, will be to delve into the mystery, behaving as many "idiots" in horror movies might (when they just don't know when to walk away), yet still seeing the true terror of what is before you through your character's eyes --- and, if you think you should call the police, you can certainly try. You are here to find clues, make deductions, roleplay with each other and with NPCs, and possibly go MAD from what you find... A typical game is not combat-heavy. However, if push comes to shove, they are hot on your heels, or they are getting away and you need to stop them at all costs, gritty, tooth-and-nail fights for survival can break out. I strongly recommend that you take notes to keep track of names and pieces of information. I, J.P., will be playing the role the "Keeper" (of Arcane Lore) (The Game Master). I will be the narrator, the voice of the NPCs, and the informal referee. CONTENT WARNINGS *Please be aware that, as this is a horror game set in the 1920s, there may be certain subject matters that (while they are supposed to make you feel discomfort and/or fear) may not be suitable for all players. These themes include; Abortions, Amnesia, Graphic Descriptions of Body Horror, Cult Rituals, Violence / Gun-Violence, Alcohol, Police, Animal(s) Being Hurt, Darkness, The Combustion Engine, Outdoor Lavatories, & Reading, but not necessarily in that order!* SAFETY: If, at any point during the course of the game, you find that you are intolerably uncomfortable with a given set of circumstances (that I have not listed above as warning), in the game or between players, you reserve your right to use your X, N, O CARDS by typing in chat, or saying the respective letter aloud. For context; X=You are uncomfortable with the present content in the game. The group can change the content, rewind and redo, or have the scene fade to black. N=You believe that the present circumstances are leading to an X for you. The group can change course so that it doesn't become an X or have the scene fade to black. O=You are okay with what is going on. Occasionally, if I ask "O?", I am gauging everyone's comfort levels (outside of the horror inherent of the game). If a participant exhibits negative, toxic, abusive, aggressive, hateful, discriminatory, blaming, and/or unkind behaviours that put down / disrespect others at the table, I reserve the right to ask them to stop and/or leave.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

I will be communicating with each player in advance of the day of the session to help you make a Call of Cthulhu character. If you already know how to make an Investigator, grand! I would still ask of each participant that we communicate, regardless, so as to allow me to be able to tailor the scenario to the information I have about your respective Investigator. I will communicate with you in Discord for messaging, audio, video, handouts, and dice rolling.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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