Burn Bryte: Burning Daylight

Burn Bryte: Burning Daylight

Burn Bryte on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Burn Bryte is an original science fantasy Tabletop Roleplaying Game optimized for and created by Roll20. The players build heroes who live in the ever-shrinking Olaxis Galaxy, which is consumed by an existence-end phenomenon called The Burn. Burn Bryte is a game about hope against all odds, and doing what’s right, even as the Universe burns around you. The mechanics are all about telling stories with giant highs, and terrifying oh-crap-we-broke-our-spaceship-lows.

Voice Actor

3 years on StartPlaying

142 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Rule of Cool

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players should have a Roll20 account for gameplay and a Discord account for communication. All in game rolls, ability tracking, and handouts will be handled through Roll20.

What I provide

Players will have access to the Burn Bryte Compendium through Roll20.

Gameplay details

Burn Bryte is a Science Fantasy game designed for Roll20. The mechanics and story of Burn Bryte are made for desperate acts of heroism just crazy enough to work. If D&D is about slaying monsters, then Burn Bryte is about saving people. Below is a brief summary of the story within Burning Daylight! (CWs: Fire, Kidnapping, Terrorist Attack) Burning Daylight follows the party on the planet Ozobny, a small world filled with all the pleasures and relaxation the PCs could want between jobs. As the PCs are enjoying their downtime, members of Daylight arrive terrorizing the planet and kidnapping its people. It’s up to the heroes to stop the plans of Daylight and save the innocents from the flames of Goulmock! This session will use pregenerated characters. Challenges in Burn Bryte are solved by making skill rolls. When you wish to do something challenging, you will state which of you eighteen skills you wish to use, and justify how you are using the chosen skill to solve the problem. That's right, you get to tell the GM what skill you're using and how you're using it. There is no 'correct' skill for any given situation; Burn Bryte encourages thinking of unorthodox ways of solving problems, using unexpected skills. Safety Tools: Burn Bryte - Safety Card Addon The Safety Deck is a card deck that makes communication about questionable topics easy and anonymous between players and the GM. Each deck has an unlimited number of three different cards. When a person places a card on the table, the group should pay attention and follow the rules of the card without asking who placed the card or why the card was placed. If the person who placed the card wishes to explain why they did so, that is their prerogative, but there is no obligation or expectation to do so. You owe no explanation to the group when you place a card on the table. When a card is placed, follow its rules and move on. Keep Going Card The Keep Going Card is green and an indicator to others that you are currently enjoying the content that's occurring. You don't need to play this card every time you're having fun or at all. This card is meant to be played when your game gets into a topic that could make others feel unsafe. It is a way to check in with everyone and say, "I'm feeling good, let's keep going with this topic." If someone else drops this card on the table and no one else drops a Slow Down or Stop Card, you can keep going. Slow Down Card The Slow Down Card is yellow and an indicator to others that you are fine with current content of the game, but going further with the description or detail would make you uncomfortable or unsafe. Play this card as a heads up to your fellow players that you don't want them to get more descriptive about a specific topic. If someone else drops this card on the table, respect your fellow player, consider pulling back some of your description or discussion of your current content, and move on from the scene as quickly as possible without asking any questions of the other players. Stop Card The Stop Card is red and is an indicator to others that you feel uncomfortable or unsafe and want the current content of the game to end. When this card is played, all players should immediately end the scene and move on without asking any questions of the other players.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character sheets and all reference materials will be available in Roll20. Players will be able to access their characters before the session in order to familiarize themselves with their abilities and ask any questions.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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