Book My Time - D&D 5e - Youth

Book My Time - D&D 5e - Youth

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Google Hangouts

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Hello. My name is Jerry Hanel. I am a Professional Game Master, focusing on Families, Kids and teaching new players the ins-and-outs of various game systems. My favorite system is Dungeons and Dragons, and I've played everything from 3.5 through 5e. The hot trend is to play D&D 5e, and I would be very happy to help you or your kids get into this amazing hobby. One-shots will range from 3-4 hours, and will include a full story arc of (generally) a set of 5th-level characters from start to end within that timeframe. Campaigns will range from 2-3 hours per session, and will have a puzzle, task or battle to be managed each session, with a full story arc taking place over 6-10 sessions. The complexity of the campaign (thus the approximate length) will be determined at the start, during the first session to get group consensus. Characters will start at level 1, and the story will tell of their adventures and growth as they progress through various situations and trials. For each group, no matter the age, the perfect table size is 4 players. However, we can grow that table based on client needs. Just be aware that this adds time and complexity to one-shots and campaigns. For youth, I don't mind adding a 5th, but the table needs one or two fairly experienced players to make that work.

GM Jerry



4 years on StartPlaying

633 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Voices, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

For one-shots, I will create and provide all that is required. For campaigns, You will need to think about what kind of character you want to bring to the table. In each case, you will need a Google account (so that you can access Google Meet for the meeting.) You will also be able to use that Google account to sign up at, which is where I manage all of my sessions. This includes maps, dice, characters, plans, items and custom classes / races. Once you have those two accounts set up, I will send you a link that we will sue for our session meetings, and everything will be ready to go. You will need a decent microphone and a set of headphones to prevent feedback, especially if you are sharing the same physical space with others. I also suggest a webcam in a decently lit area. There is something to be said for seeing someone's reaction when the chair they were sitting in becomes a mimic and tries to eat them. :)

What I provide

Using the two accounts mentioned above, I will bring everything you need to play.

Gameplay details

Gameplay is very freeform. We will start with core races/classes. I will include races/classes from extended materials such as Unearthed Arcana on a case-by-case basis to see if the player has the maturity in the game to understand some of the limitations that come with some of the extended abilities. We will traverse out into the wild on missions, hunts or explorations and attempt to survive the wilds and whatever else the world throws at us. Sometimes there will be traps, requiring nimble fingers and a steady hand. Other times you will find yourselves stuck in a puzzle, requiring a deft mind, and the sharpest of intellects. And yet others, you will need the performing Charisma of a leader to work through social situations, the strong arm of a fighter to keep the party safe, or the loving hand of a cleric to keep everyone alive. While you can't be all of these at the same time, this is why we have a party of players. Each one gets to take on one of those roles, and each person will have their moments to shine with their abilities. Whatever role you choose, expect that you will get a chance to explore that role in this world.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

For one-shots, I will have a series of pre-generated characters. Players can pick from a pre-gen and jump STRAIGHT into the game. I will discuss how the character sheets work in the first few minutes, and then we'll be off-and-running. For campaigns, we will spend the first session just creating characters, discussing the pros of each, the roles that each player wants to fulfill, and the expectations of the GM and the party. If there is sufficient time, we will jump into the first scenario. Otherwise, the actual gameplay will truly begin in the second session.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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