[Beginner-Focus]Dragon of Icespire Peak!

[Beginner-Focus]Dragon of Icespire Peak!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

Learn to play D&D 5e! Save a frontier town! Battle a White Dragon! The plot follows a band of adventurers in the region of Phandalin in the Sword Mountains, and parts of western Sword Coast in the world of the Forgotten Realms. Your party will gather in town and undertake an adventure to assist the region with impending disaster looming from the White Dragon Cryovain. Various townspeople require your assistance in these trying times. Through aiding them your band of adventurers can hope to grow in strength and valor to confront the beast and end it's cruel reign over the region. This module is relatively linear with optional quests; however, players are encouraged to think outside the box for solutions and ways to proceed! And there is always the threat of crossing paths with the dragon himself when unexpected! This official WOTC module is a perfect introduction for new and inexperienced players to D&D 5e. The campaign is expected to run from level 1 through level 6-8 depending on some factors. Those interested in continuing their characters story can discuss extending into additional WOTC material or a custom campaign! Music provided includes the Discography of Will Savino - Music D20, commercial use permission granted.

3 years on StartPlaying

191 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Teacher, Storytelling

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

Discord for Voice Chat - Webcam preferred, but not mandatory (Free) Roll 20 Basic Account (Free) Have a character concept in mind. A computer with decent internet connectivity.

What I provide

I will have the module ready to run on Roll20 and be ready to DM each week. Will integrate your created character into the module's story. We will co-build the story that will bring your characters to become Heroes!

Gameplay details

Characters have full freedom of choice in how to interact with this living world; however, the plot of the module will progress with or without character involvement. Put off those quests at your own peril... Expect very fluid combat. I will keep party members on task and push the action! Beginners need not worry, ask questions! I will do my best to describe your characters actions in proper heroic [or blundering] fashion. Roleplaying between characters is definitely a plus, so feel free at any time to break into a brief conversation to build rapport or discuss events. If you aren't comfortable speaking in character feel free to roleplay 3rd person and speak about your character taking actions or having dialogue. I am lighthearted when running. If you have a question of how to play or a rule, feel free to ask. If you want to do something really cool that probably won't work...well sometimes the dice tell their own story! We are all here to have fun, roll some dice, and save the world! Content Warning: The game may contain some graphic descriptions of violence during combat or other scenes. These will not be overly gratuitous, but sufficient to describe the impact of the actions. If an arrow pierces a chest, there will be bleeding. There will be NO depiction of sexual acts. The furthest this will go, and be allowed to go, is an allusion to characters as a "fade to black". There will be NO depiction of rape or unwanted sexual advances. There will be NO depiction of suicide or self-injurious behavior. Safety Tools at Work: 1. X Card - at any point in a session simply type in an "X" and that will be the cue to "move along" 2. Session Zero discussion of Veils and Lines. We will discuss items you find to be "lines" where they should not be discussed and "veils" which are topics best left as a "fade-to-black" and kept in the background. 3. Open Discussion - if comfortable, always feel free to state you are uncomfortable with what's happening via PM or just outright saying it. I will direct us to move on.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Aftercare

  • Breaks

  • Lines and Veils

  • Session 0

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

There are a few options: 1. Pregen characters are available! 2. Create your character ahead of time in Roll20. You can import your character into the game and I'll review your character with you!. 3. Setup a quick 30 minute time with me and we will hop into the session ahead of time to create your character. 4. We can create characters together during Session Zero. Bear in mind this will eat into our first session with multiple players, but I have NO problem doing this! Sheets must be created on Roll20. All characters will begin as level 1. We will roll for stats. Roll 4 drop 1 for all 6 stats, then allocate. My primary expectation is that all players show up to the session with who their character is. Who they are, what they can do, and what you think their abilities are. Are they Human?Elf?Dwarf? Do they fight using swords, bows, magic? If magic, what type of magic do they use: Divine magic from the gods, natural magic from the earth, or arcane magic by other means? Using this we can discuss what class you may wish to play as and then we can roll for and build up your character sheet.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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