Aurora: Lost Secrets

Aurora: Lost Secrets

Dungeon Crawl Classics on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Players will take on the role of a crew of highly skilled and experienced mercenaries who are hired by a mysterious benefactor with a specific objective: to explore the Aurora. This massive Behemoth-class supercarrier spaceship was once the flagship of the United Federation of Galaxies (UFG). The UFG was a multi-galaxy-spanning government that operated on the tenants of a republic and was in power for over twenty-thousand years. Still, its collapse three thousand years ago caused a technological dark age that lasted two thousand years, setting the galaxies back by ten thousand years. The Aurora is a Behemoth-class supercarrier spaceship four thousand meters long with a diameter of two thousand one hundred and thirty meters wide and a cubic volume of over fourteen million kilometers. It has two hundred decks, each with a cubic volume of seventy-one thousand kilometers. The Aurora was the flagship of the UFG and the pinnacle of its technology, designed as a carrier capable of transporting several fleets inside its internal docking bays. There are long-forgotten secrets of the UFG buried deep within the Aurora, arcane knowledge of the past lost to memory over the centuries. Aurora is the last place to manufacture and maintain UFG tech in the known universe; however, most of its manufacturing capabilities are put towards maintaining itself. Over time, the Aurora has evolved into something more than a weapon; it now functions as an independent nation. Everywhere the Aurora goes, it brings tourism from nearby star systems, as the decks of the Aurora are now home to amusement parks, luxury resorts, and so much more. The current population of Aurora is two and a half billion. As the players embark on their journey, they will encounter the inhabitants and factions that call the Aurora home, each with their own agendas and motivations. In addition, they'll have to navigate Aurora's inhabitants' politics and power struggles. The UFG's collapse also caused wars and chaos throughout the former member galaxies. The players may encounter various governments and organizations who seek the remnants of UFG technology and will have to use their skills and wits to evade or outsmart them. The players will face many challenges and obstacles. Still, with their intelligence, teamwork, and combat skills, they can accomplish their mission and uncover the secrets of the Aurora.

Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Discord will be used for video/audio DCC uses Funky dice d3, d5, d7, d14, d16, d24, d30 there will be a session 0 but don't be afraid to reach out at any time about game-related topics

What I provide

DCC core book Critters, Creatures, and Denizens supplement

Gameplay details

I will adjust gameplay based on the players expectation.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

You have four options for character creation: Option 1: Create a character using the rules in the core book and rolling for stats using the "Sezrekan Method." Option 2: we first pick either 3 random basic mutations or 1 random basic and 1 random enhanced mutation from the CCD. Then we roll stats and build an entire race around your character mutations. Rolling for basic mutations will be done using a D30, and enhanced mutations will be done with a D16 Option 3: use a pregen Option 4: If you have a character idea, I will work with you to make it a reality. Once your character has been built, we can work on their backstory; here are some examples: The leader of the crew a skilled and charismatic captain with a long history of leading successful missions and a reputation for getting the job done no matter what. They deeply understand the Aurora and its inhabitants, having spent a significant amount of time on the spaceship in the past. A rogue scientist who once worked on a similar project was kicked out for unethical experimentation. They are brilliant but also arrogant, believing that the Aurora holds the key to unlocking the universe's secrets. An orphan raised on the Aurora, who grew up on the streets and had to learn how to survive in this harsh environment. They deeply understand the Aurora's criminal underworld and can easily navigate it. However, they are desperate for a chance to leave the Aurora and make a better life for themselves. A wealthy merchant, who made their fortune trading on the Aurora, they are well connected and have a vast network of contacts on the spaceship. They are motivated by profit but also have a sense of adventure and a desire to explore the Aurora's secrets. A scavenger who has spent their entire life scouring the galaxy for scraps of technology to sell on the black market. They have a keen eye for spotting valuable artifacts and have a vast knowledge of technology. They are motivated by the potential wealth that the Aurora's secrets could bring. A diplomat who is skilled in negotiation and diplomacy and hopes to use their talents to help bring peace to the Aurora and its inhabitants. A spy, who is skilled in infiltration and surveillance, and they hope to use their talents to uncover the truth about the Aurora and its secrets. A religious leader, who is on a pilgrimage to the Aurora, believing it to hold spiritual secrets, hopes to uncover the Aurora's spiritual secrets and use them to bring enlightenment to the followers. A former pirate who spent most of their life on the Aurora as a member of a notorious pirate crew but left that life behind is now looking for redemption and a chance to use their skills for good.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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