Are We Alone? (Welcome to Continent Zoa-Anon)

Are We Alone? (Welcome to Continent Zoa-Anon)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Google Hangouts

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to Continent Zoa-Anon, a land of rare magic, called Word, discovered only twenty years ago. This magic is a resource, found in nature by some, embedded genetically in others, as a heat in their breath, capable of altering their surroundings (casting spells). Over the past twenty years, every region of Zoa has worked to understand this newfound power, with differing results and beliefs. There are some, an unheard few, who have claimed to discover cracks in reality, leading to a darkness, or a light. Your adventure begins on a ship, the Stormsetter, the only vessal capable of reaching the Isle of Anayyos with any speed. This is due to Bravidakis Speech, a maelstrom that has ravaged the Carving Gulch for two decades. It is a dangerous voyage, to an island of rune-eyed giants, for whom the island is named, and little else. A rumour. This is what has led you here. A rumour of a civilization on this island, a city of humanoids that have lived under the cover of the continent and under the thumb of the giants, who have not been found by any other person to date. You all may have various reasons to risk your lives finding these people, but you all met at the docks, pooled your funds to afford Captain Mazekiel's exorbitant price, and now sit together, under the deck of the Stormsetter, with the creak of wind and rain above your heads, the only light emitted from lanterns hung on the wall.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Make sure you are set up to use Google Hangouts, and try and write a few details about your character. A good approach is, create three rumours about your character, two true, one false, that others in the world could feasably know. Then create at least one secret your character is keeping.

What I provide

I will bring my story and every ounce of energy I can muster. I would consider myself a dynamic DM, I stand up, walking through your characters awesome attacks and daring do. I am not one to sit and drone on about what you are seeing, doing, etc. I prefer theatre of the mind, rather than maps, as it allows the game to become less of a math and bash combat, and allows for increased creativity. But I do have miniatures on hand, if necessary.

Gameplay details

I prefer roleplay focused games, where creativity is rewarded with cool or disastrous outcomes. The rules can be bent, as long as bending them doesn't break the game. For example, if you wanted to send a fireball around a corner, I would ask you to roll an arcana check, to see if you're capable, in the moment in question, to superlatively cast Fireball. If you roll too low, you will still cast the spell, just dead straight or possibly a random direction.

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How will character creation work

It's best to create your character beforehand, and send them to me so I can vet/assist with any alterations. This helps me tailor the experience to your character, and give you a real sense of existing in this world.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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