

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Advanced

Price per player-session

About the adventure

As a recently appointed Archon, You have been summoned to San Francisco as security detail for a Conclave called by the new Ventrue Justiciar Reginald “Rook” Mansion after losing Lucinde to the Beckoning. Prince Vannevar Thomas never let go of losing L.A. to Theo Bell and hunters. Displaced fury and vitriol lead to a brutal jihad against Thin Blood Enclaves in Berkeley. Punching way down, Vannevar brought undue attention to the City on the Bay and his movements. A confirmed FirstLight execution of this venerable Ventrue Elder from Siegfried childe of Ventrue’s bloodline plunged his vassal lords into chaos. An ancient type of kindred war rekindled as Princes war openly with each other over territory as Anarchs claim more and more domains across the globe. Conclave called to settle this disagreement within Justicar Mansion’s clan and state new Camarilla policies & business including the coronation of a Lasombra Justicar. Act One: The Prince Problem Act Two: The Paris Problem Act Three: The Prophecy Problem

Less than a year on StartPlaying

12 games hosted

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, Creativity, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

A Discord account with clear audible mic with minimum background noise. I’ll cam up but I’ll leave that to each individual's comfort level. We’ll be using a dicebot for rolling. A Roll20 account for character record keeping and campaign handouts. A familiarity with Vampire 5th edition rules and lore will be required. Not ideal for your first game.

What I provide

I’ll provide NPC portraits and atmospheric shots to help set the mood, and will create PC shots also.

Gameplay details

A temporary coterie of Ancillae aged vampires embraced around American Prohibition who’ve recently been given title of Archon, Enforcers of Camarilla law. A prestigious appointment in this new “post” Sabbat world meant to instill confidence and project security to a shaken sect. They serve at the pleasure of the Justicar Council who discerns and enacts the will of a brand new Inner Circle. Your PC’s will be in service to Justicar Mansion before and after Conclave comes to an end instead returning to your previous assignments. The first collaborative Archon coterie since the Fall of London as the practice of blood oaths to Jusitcars returned but bound to their clan’s representatives. Acrhons operating with near impunity, powerful as Princes without the restriction of a domain, but let out on a long leash. The campaign follows three acts around larger than life problems facing this dying syndicate as WoD enters a brave new world. Homebrew rules like eschewing generation for blood potency, discipline restrictions, and some Advance Conflict rules like Minor actions, Crippling Injuries, Social combat. Its TV-MA/R rated game not meant for kiddos. My Open Door policy means I encourage players to speak up if something’s not working, bothering, or upsetting them at any time. I like to think I can take direction and we can find something that vibes for everyone. We're trying to have some macabre fun but key word is fun. It will be possible depending on rolls and/or character choices for PCs to greet Final Death before the end. Its a dangerous job being an Archon and I wouldn't wanna rob anyone of their sacrifices and interesting decisions as they make for great story. We'll find something else that excites you with no exp lost to jump back in.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Session Zero will be about lore establishment and concept talk to avoid overlap given playing a Lasombra or Banu Haquim Archon is on the table. Players who arrive later will have similar consideration. We’ll develop your concept and relationship with their Justicar together. How are they dealing with their touchstones now that work makes them travel a lot? How did they get this position? What does it mean to them? An Anicalle template starting at BP 3 with other additional changes, bumps, problems, etc. Please let me know if you have any questions about the campaign, characters, whathaveyou or if you’re interested in joining up. Just drop me a line.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Advanced

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