Adventure Aplenty!

Adventure Aplenty!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 1 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

"In this world every hero starts from somewhere..." Heroes are out doing amazing adventures, heroes have died and passed into legend, and heroes yet to be made. Before you're a hero, you're an adventurer and being an adventurer is dangerous work but most importantly: Profitable. The world is your oyster and you're free to explore it at your whims! In this world you begin as a mostly insignificant adventuring party hired to do little tasks like clearing rats from a cellar or taking a message to another town. Keep that up then you'll get to do things for the local Mayor! How exciting is that?! Ahem... yes, you aren't the only adventurers out there but certainly you hold the potential to be the best. (Safety Tool are active on Roll20)

3 years on StartPlaying

108 games hosted

Average response time: 19 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

All you need is a microphone, some way to hear myself and the other players, and accounts with Roll20 and Discord.

What I provide

I simply bring my ability as a dungeon master. I also have links to most the resources I use, which is mostly:

Gameplay details

I want my players to comfortable in my games so I have a few rules. 1. Don't go into real life politics or religion and if something in game appears to mirror that it is coincidence and can be changed if needed. 2. I do not allow any kind of gross sexual conduct (if you horny characters want to seduce the barkeep and manage it that's a hard fade to black). I do allow romance plots and only if it is consensual between players so if you are uncomfortable with how another Player is approaching something like that let me know and I'll try to sort it out. 3. As the GM I am the final arbiter of the rules and what happens at the table. If I ask you to stop bringing something up please do so or you may be kicked from the campaign especially if it involves making another Player uncomfortable. I like to give second, sometimes third chances unless the offense is egregious. Things in my game that may be Triggers for some people: 1. Slavery (more like indentured servitude, NPC's call it slavery) 2. Blood. I like to describe things and sometimes its bloody and gross when you're dealing with demon cultist for example. 3. Humanoid Sacrifice. Again, cultists, devils, evil gods. They all like that kind of thing. 4. Violence? I mean its Dungeons and Dragons... You often have to kill things so... this isn't the game you want to play if you aren't alright with that. 5. Racism? Orcs and Drow in lore kill humans all the time so humans tend to distrust any Orc or Drow they come across. I don't make a fuss out of this but if you're a walking into a tiny town where no-one even knows what a Dragonborn is they be a little wary. Course they'll probably be wary of just about anyone regardless of race. World is a dangerous place after all. I think that covers most the things I don't allow at my table. Overall message from this is: Be excellent to each other and party on dudes! I seed the world with plot hooks and then allow the party to pursue whatever they want. You're not interested in any of these quests? You want to find some old ruins and pillage them for loot? Yeah, lets make some rolls and see how things pan out! Generally I have an A plot and a B plot happening so the party always has something to do if they aren't having fun with what they're currently doing. Sometimes these plots connect, sometimes they don't. Generally I try to keep the party on plot and to keep it advancing so it doesn't get boring! A typical session is whatever the players want it to be really... Exploration, Roleplaying, Combat, or all three!

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character Creation happens as a group at session zero. We show up in Roll20 and Discord and start rolling dice! I like to start my game at 1st level and end the first session by leveling to 2nd, then the second session to 3rd and slow down the leveling there. I use 3d6 for stats making sure to adjust them if they're terrible. You should have a total of +2 positive in bonuses by the end I.E. 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 13, that is -3 from the 8 and 9 then +5 from 12, 13, and 16. So over all its a +2! I use feats and most Unearthed Arcana. Every character gets a feat or ability increase at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level regardless of multi-classing and a free feat for every character at 1st level. Why a feat at 1st level? Because most feats increase a stat and help with character variety! It is appreciated if you have a little bit of backstory but don't feel hard pressed on that as I will try to make any backstory you do give me included into the game. Its about the characters and story after all. Once a character is made you can send me a picture to use as an Icon for you in Roll20 or I can find one for you should you need it!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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