A Questing Quintet for Amateur Adventurers: The Lost Mine of Phandelver (D&D 5e Starter Set)

A Questing Quintet for Amateur Adventurers: The Lost Mine of Phandelver (D&D 5e Starter Set)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord, Zoom

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 6.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Citizens of the Sword Coast! Gundren Rockseeker here – Entrepreneur Extraordinaire. You represent the beginning of a grand adventure. I need hardy, skilled, profit-led and competitively-priced individuals to join me in Phandalin where my brothers Tharden, Nundro and I have stumbled across something big…definitely. We are so confident in this opportunity that I am willing pay the grand sum of 10 gold dragons to any who help bring supplies from Neverwinter safely to Barthen’s Provisions in Phandalin. To those who are willing I invite you to meet me in the Driftwood Tavern for the opportunity of a lifetime. For one day you’ll be saying, "Poverty? What’s a poverty? And then you can thank me, Gundren Rockseeker, for being the generous and humble employer you will have undoubtedly grown to love! G.R – EE (Entrepreneur Extraordinaire) ABSOLUTELY NO PRIOR D&D KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED. Your team will be given a simple job: escort a wagon a couple days and get paid in gold. There's even the promise of more work when you get there. It's up to you what you do, but be assured: Adventure awaits! This campaign is a perfect introduction to D&D 5e and most experienced players will tell you they've played and loved it. This game is totally targeted to new players, but TTRPG veterans who haven't experienced this one yet are totally welcome to play. DMTrog's version of this adventure includes some optional add-ons and supplemental side-quests with inspirational credit to Matt Colville, Christian Eichhorn, and Matthew Perkins. Additionally, your DM will work with you prior to session 1 to help develop your character and tie them into the plot and world we'll be playing in as well as let the players have a chance to influence the backstory of our adventure setting, making your adventure truly unique. [There will be a session 0]

3 years on StartPlaying

4 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

• NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OR EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED - we will do character creation together and I will hook you up with simplified resources to learn the game as well as dice tools and access to all relevant player resources. • Because we're playing online, please at least have a mic set up. Webcam use is optional, but HIGHLY recommended. • Roll20 is not needed, but you will enjoy the game more if you snag a free account. It will also make my job a million times easier. https://roll20.net/ • It's up to your group whether you would rather use Discord or Zoom for our virtual sessions. Discord is free and will allow us to to keep logs and send messages between and during games. I am happy to set up a server for your group. You can run it on your phone or PC; I find PC is slightly better (especially with multiple monitors) [https://discord.com/]

What I provide

With Roll20 and Discord, we have everything we need. You'll be able to roll virtual dice in game by clicking directly on relevant fields in your character sheet or with a manual dice tool -- all super easy. I will provide key info in Roll20 handouts and on Discord along with visuals and maps. Games on Discord will feature soundtracking as we quest. Don't fret if you are new to the online tools. I will provide tutorials and help you along the way. If you provide me with an image of your character and your favorite color, I'll make you a personalized token for use on Roll20.

Gameplay details

You guide most of this. Do you like a lot of roleplay? I'm down. Would you rather zip through and focus on dungeons? We can do it. Want to fully immerse yourselves in the game? I'm ready. Prefer to just meta a bunch? I'll allow it IF that's what the whole group wants. The tone and pace of the game will totally be led by you, the players. In general, you can expect: • 3-5 levels of character advancement • a nice mix of role play, combat, and exploration • as serious, silly, or gritty as you'll let me make it.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

• Five pre-generated characters are available; original characters are welcome as well. • All official WoTC classes and races are legal. Monstrous races and Unearthed Arcana subject to approval. • All alignments legal. Evil alignments subject to approval. • Custom backgrounds are legal where appropriate. This means two skill proficiencies and mix-match of two language or tool proficiencies. • Players are encouraged to make characters who have a reason to be on the team and have a reason to go on the adventure. • Generate ability scores by rolling 4d6, drop the lowest. After rolling, players have the option of using standard array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) instead. Rolls must be made in front of everyone. • Level one characters start with equivalent hit points of a level two character. When characters reach level two, they don't gain hit points. From level three onward, they gain hit points as normal. • If a character is being made as a replacement after character death or retirement, the new character can't be the same class as the old character. • Replacement characters start at the same level as the lowest level PC in the remaining party. • Groups may opt to begin at level 3. This would mean a more involved session 0 and a less risk of player character death. We can handle all of this prior to session 0 or we can use a chunk of session 0 to learn about character creation together. Either way, session 0 will include some short activities/mini-games to develop further backstory and create party bonds

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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