A Harrowing happening about how we found a bunch of Harrow Cards - Stolen Fate AP

A Harrowing happening about how we found a bunch of Harrow Cards - Stolen Fate AP

Pathfinder 2e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Fate has been broken. That is one of the foundational elements of Golarion's setting. With the death of prophecy signaling the start of the Age of Lost omens, all beings who tread the world have known that their fate is in their hands and theirs alone. Fate is a headstrong beast however and with enough skill or talent, one's course can still be charted, be it through the practiced study of a Wizard in the "scientific" aproach to divination, be it in the entrails read by the local bog-witch, patterns inevitably emerge. No matter how hard one tries to walk off the beaten path, sometimes one finds all roads but one conveniently have trees, boulders or dangerous monsters thrown upon them. In the face of such adversity only one real "choice" remains.... Choice, come to thing of it you have been having that recurring dream lately.... concerns of a tired mind to be sure. You have done so much in life before this point. But still, recurring is abit of a misnomer. Every night your life flashes before your eyes but every time, it's a little different. You see the tapestry of all the choices that have led to who you are today but... they always play out different in your mind. Sometimes the deviation is minor, sometimes extreme, leading to a Golarion your waking self wouldn't even recognize.... and yet they always end the same, just before you wake, in front of that strange little shop in Absolom's Grand Bazzar. What was it? Three moves ahead? On this morning the situation finally changes however as you find a bizzare card among your belongings. Experience has thought you enough to know that whatever else it might be, it is a powerful artifact! Suppose there's nothing for it then.... to Absolom it is.

2 years on StartPlaying

223 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Knows the Rules, Visual Aid

Additional Details

How to prepare

Webcams are not mandatory, i will of course strive to always be on camera - heatwave permitting. I do expect everyone to have at least a dedicated headset / microphone for the respect of your fellow players please don't have constantly buzzing, hard to understand audio equipment. Familiarity with the 2E system of course is a big advantage but i am perfectly capable and patient of inducting new players to the system. Be sure to read Paizo's official free player's guide for the module at: https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6sia5 Software wise all that is required is a Free Forge account over at - https://forge-vtt.com/ - this is the Hosting platform i will be using to host Foundry. The game will launch in your browser. Some nominal minimum system requirements are necessary as Foundry is a beast of a VTT - https://foundryvtt.com/article/requirements/

What I provide

The premium Foundry VTT Module for Stolen Fate with it's lovely upscalled battle maps and specially mixed ambiance. A near encyclopedic knowledge of the system. All published material for 2E so far and some excellent third party stuff. At this point i own almost al of Paizo's premium modules on foundry so i have access to alot of aditional, fantastic artwork and especially beatifull, atmospheric music as these assets can be mixed and matched. A Discord community for hanging out and discussing with fellow players and myself in between sessions.

Gameplay details

Personally, everyone having fun is the most important thing so i prefer a table where we can smile thill our jaws hurt just riffing off each other. I expect my players to excuse the odd OC moment if it means we can all have a pleasant evening. All that being said, i like to provide my players with the all the opportunities to explore in character RP - as much as each wants to engage, we arn't all born thespians after all - so we can have those moments that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. Be they joyous, melancholic or anything in between. This of course includes everyone feeling like they are in a safe enviroment at the table. Safety tools will be discussed during session 0. Breaks are both scheduled and can be taken at any time a player feels in necesary. Also thanks to the magic of VTT's we have an X, N & O module available for use. If such a card is presented only i as the gm will see it and can adjust accordingly on the spot.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Character creation will happen during session 0 (or before if everyone is comfortable enough with second edition). While i have in the past and can integrate people with the system fairly smoothly given the higher level the campaign starts at i have, for once, set the experience requirement as "beginner" rather than "none" as i usually set. This assumes you have at least a first grasp of, if not 2E its self, TTRPG mechanics in general - Things like atribute modifiers, DC, proficiency etc. Variant Rules are in effect. This includes Free Archetype, Ancestry Paragon and Gradual Ability boost. The level two archetype you would chose is in effect at lvl 1, upon character creation.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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