Eberron: Rising from the Last War - Candlekeep

Eberron: Rising from the Last War - Candlekeep

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Physical Battlemap, Owlbear Rodeo, D&D Beyond, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Keith Baker's Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting of Eberron was chosen as the winner among the 11,000 submissions to the Wizards of the Coast Fantasy Setting Search in 2002. The world of Eberron contains seven continents. The setting primarily takes place in Khorvaire, the most populated continent. Humans are the most populous race in Khorvaire, living primarily in the area known as the Five Nations. Southeast is the small continent of Aerenal, ruled by elves. Due south is the jungle continent of Xen'drik, once ruled by an empire of giants that collapsed. It is now largely wilderness, with some areas under tribal dominion of the drow. Further south of Xen'drik is Everice, a continent-sized sheet of ice possibly covering several land masses. Frostfell is an unexplored land of ice in the north. The other two main continents are Sarlona (a continent ruled by quori, creatures from the Region of Dreams) and Argonnessen (a continent inhabited by dragons). The world of Eberron has twelve moons; some sages believe there is a thirteenth moon that has vanished or is invisible to the naked eye. "Eberron" is also the name for the land of the world, and is referred to as the Dragon Between. Siberys, the Dragon Above, is the name given to the planetary rings which surround the planet. Khyber, the Dragon Below, is the name given to the underworld, and is similar to the Underdark in many other settings. According to the creation story, the world was formed when the progenitor wyrms changed their form into what they are now. Siberys and Khyber fought, leading to Siberys' body being broken into pieces. To stop Khyber, Eberron wrapped around him, and Siberys' broken body became a ring around them both. Siberys created the dragons, Eberron created humanoids and other "lower races", and Khyber created the "demons" of the world. The world of Eberron has a rich history built on heroic deeds, evolving magic, and the wounds of a long, devastating war. Action, adventure, good, evil, and a thousand shades of grey paint the landscape in broad strokes. Ancient mysteries await discovery so they can influence the world and its people. ---- This is an open-world/sandbox campaign setting following the adventures tailored to your individual/groups backstories. The adventures you will experience will be completely unique to your characters. 5e D&D ruleset.


3 years on StartPlaying

229 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Rule of Cool, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

Webcam and mic are both necessary. Familiarity with the rules is welcome but not required. Sessions will be hosted on Discord and Owlbear Rodeo. Bring your dice, some snacks, and send me a copy of your character sheet. I make use of physical rulebooks, dice, battle-mat, and miniatures. Feel free to use digital options at your own preference.

What I provide

I grew up playing D&D with minimal means and I still enjoy the nostalgia this provides. I make use of a battle-mat, hand painted 3-D printed miniatures, and the occasional silly voice to emulate the experience that you would typically find if you were seated together around a table. I am also familiar with virutal tabletops such as Owlbear Rodeo and Talespire. I sometimes make use of props, and I will often need to share documents & images with you online.

Gameplay details

Sessions will be held on Discord, with a "Session 0" prior to the session for assistance in character creation , and to discuss expectations/table etiquette. All 5e characters and race are okay for this game. Keith Baker's Exploring Eberron & the Tal Do'Rei campaign setting are approved for this adventure. Sessions will last approximately 3 to 3.5 hours. Set in the Eberron with homebrew adventures and those found in Candlekeep Mysteries and Tales of the Yawning Portal.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Feel free to use whatever method you are most comfortable with to create your character. DnDBeyond is a great tool, and I more than encourage that for newcomers to the game as it will walk you through the character creation process. I prefer to roll for stats the over point buy method. You will be sent some "prep material" pending approval of your application. You should create 1st level characters following 5e Dungeons and Dragons character creation rules. I will be available on Discord throughout the process to assist you with any guidance or questions about the process. There are no hard character creation limits however setting specific options might need adjustment for use in the Eberron setting. All published 5e WotC content is acceptable. UA is generally okay (unless it has since seen published revisions by WotC), and homebrew content needs to be run past me first.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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