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Phandelver and Below (Beginner's best choice!)

Phandelver and Below (Beginner's best choice!)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

If you are new to roleplaying games, then this campaign and this Game Master (GM) are the right choice for you: The road to Phandalin is in surprisingly good condition. You and your friends enjoy the warm sun and the mild wind on this beautiful morning. You are not in much of a hurry. Yes, you are hired to protect a cart of goods on their way to Phandalin - but even your employer didn't seem to worry. Instead he drove off without and told you to catch up with him in the morning. You walk for a few hours and finally you see: The cart that you are hired to protect. Broken down. The horse gone. Blood everywhere. And no sign of your employer, the dwarf Gundren Rockseeker. You turn around to your friends and open your mouth - and the first arrows slice the air right were your head used to be a second ago. Roll for initiative! It's up to you now to rescue your employer, find the Lost Mines of Phandalin and their precious secret – and defeat the evil plans of a powerful enemy. Are you the hero that will bring a new age of prosperity to the good citizens of Phandalin? ADDITIONAL DETAILS HOW TO PREPARE Internet Access, a free account and a Microphone will be required for play during the session time for game access and communications. You will also require a competent web browser (ideally Chrome), to access the game during the session. WHAT I PROVIDE Gameplay interface, maps, & dice rolling will be provided via Roll20. Access to game materials and links will be provided in the Prep Materials section after you join. GAMEPLAY DETAILS Players can expect session zero to cover introductions, the group dynamic (alignment/character preferences, lines and veils, etc.), explanations for what the adventure entails as well as expectations for what the players are looking to find. Any house rules or game settings, such as XP leveling, will also be discussed at this time. During sessions they can expect quick flow into or out of combat, some occasional voice work, good knowledge of the rules, and a sharp keeping of start and stop times so we can keep to schedule. Each session will end with a period of questions and comments so I can better gauge how things are going and apply course correct as needed. Every few sessions will also end with a special variation of feedback so we can really hone in on that best game that everyone will enjoy and remember. I will also be available outside of session times for questions and comments if needed. CONTENT WARNING • Alcohol Use • Blood • Death • Violence SAFETY TOOLS USED • Session Zero • Debriefing • Open Door • Aftercare YOU SHALL BE COMFORTABLE! In Session Zero we will discuss if there is content that you don't want to see in this game. I will make sure that they will not be included. For example: I will never create a situation in which children are hurt.



Less than a year on StartPlaying

197 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Creativity, Knows the Rules

Average response time: 2 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Internet Access, a free account and a Microphone will be required for play during the session time for game access and communications. You will also require a competent web browser (ideally Chrome), to access the game during the session. Here is the TECH you need: - (Free Account) - Chrome - Microphone - Speaker - Internet - Discord (Free Account)

What I provide

Gameplay interface, maps, & dice rolling will be provided via Roll20. Access to game materials and links will be provided in the Prep Materials section after you join.

Gameplay details

In session zero we discuss if there are topics that you feel uncomfortable with. For example: I will never create a situation where children are hurt in my games. I will do everything to make you feel comfortable in our game. Because in the end this is our shared hobby and I want you to enjoy.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

Character Creation will occur during Session Zero. I use zoom for this conversation. You will find a calendar to schedule your Session Zero right after you signed up for this game. Characters will start at level 1. If you have never played D&D: Don’t worry I walk you through the character creation in season zero. Players are welcome to make their characters on Roll20. You can port an existing character from D&D Beyond over to Roll20 if you wish. We will discuss all your questions in regards to character creation during Session Zero. If you are a late joiner, I will be available to work with you to make your character so they can fit within the campaign. Regardless, everyone will know what everyone else is playing before anyone sits down to play. If issues arise with your character during play, I can work with you to implement changes, up to and including creating a new character if it comes to that.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Thursday - 7:00 PM UTC

2-3 Hour duration

0 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined