D&D 5e+Homebrew: Iltuin, Reign of the Five
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
/ Session
Weekly / Saturday - 7:00 AM UTC
4-8 Hour duration
0 / 4 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: All Ages
About the adventure
What would happen if an apocalypse were inevitable in a world where one could simply pledge their soul to gain immense power—and the potential to save what they love? What if those who were never tempted before suddenly could be? And what does being bound to a contract do to a person over many years? What could it mean to overcome such a contract? These were the questions that gave birth to this world. Since then, I’ve been exploring it with friends and thought someone out there might want to as well. So if you’d like to help write the history of this world, hop on the wagon right away!
Game style
Rule of Cool (RoC)
“Rule of Cool” emphasizes creative story beats over sticking to a system’s rules as written. Players have the ability to push the limits of the rules or even break core rule mechanics at times if the Game Master thinks it is interesting, fun, or cool enough.
Theater of the Mind
“Theater of the Mind” uses little to no visuals for scene settings and combat. Instead, the narrative imagery comes from the Game Master’s descriptions and character action and movement comes from Players’ descriptions.
Less than a year on StartPlaying
Additional details
How to prepare
Webcam, a stable network connection, a microphone, and a rough idea of what you’d like to play—everything else, we’ll discuss in Session 0.
What I provide
I'd describe my DM'ing style as: "I am a writer who can't come up with main characters. I like player agency and presenting stories that can be solved in a variety of ways." My main goal at the table is to make sure everyone is involved and having fun. Second to that is ensuring the adventure's tone stays coherent. Through music, descriptions, and character voices, I try to weave immersion. The world of Iltuin is crafted by both me and my players. I enjoy rewarding creativity that adds to the game. While I like the 5e rules, I see them more as guidelines and a toolkit. If my players come up with a cool plant that fits the world, we'll let the dice decide whether it grows just around the corner. For online play, I like the simplicity of Owlbear Rodeo, Discord, and a shared playlist. I let my players decide whether they want to roll dice at their table or online, as I expect them to be fair, honest, and true to the dice. Epic failures are as memorable—if not more so—than successes.
Gameplay details
Aftercare → Watching a funny video together or having a one-on-one chat about anything that came up during the session. Whatever brings comfort and lets you leave on a positive note. Bleed, Lines, and Veils → Whether it's outside stress bleeding into the game or in-game situations affecting your state of mind, setting boundaries is important. I have a list of themes and actions that I don’t allow in my campaign, and we’ll add your concerns to that list in Session Zero. Debriefing, Stars, and Wishes → Warm-up and cooldown discussions, tailored to your preferences and reflecting on the events of the session. Breaks → Because everyone needs to pee, grab snacks, or take care of their dog, cat, weasel, snake, or... well, you get the idea.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Bleed
• Breaks
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Let’s see what you want to play, and then we’ll shape it until it fits the world, the adventure, and the group. Don’t expect me to run Donald Duck through a necromancer-themed dungeon—but Donald Duck in a fae setting? Now that, I can work with.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Owlbear Rodeo
• Discord