The Land of Adoulin: Secrets Beyond the Sea!
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Howdy! This game takes place in a fairly large homebrew sandbox world. The main foreseen game will take place on an, until the last 20 years, unsettle-able continent called Adoulin. It will be largely player driven meaning if everyone wants to fight vampires then call the game: Strahd 2 the suckening! To keep a common through-line that can ensure everyone’s here for the same thing and having fun I ask that every player come to the game with the thought of making a character with the heart of an adventurer! The big thing in this game is the pioneering spirit and drive to explore a new land! This will be used both as a major plot point but a mechanical one for the players on multiple levels. The biggest one right out of the gate is that any character can be in this game. Wanna play a class or subclass from Kobold press's settings, Drakkenheim, Exandria, or any other third party setting? This is the game for you! This game will use 2014 rules as a base, with a few rules taken from 2024 and third party sources. With player freedom being a big goal for me. You don’t have to write your backstory to fit picture perfect into one subclass, as I plan to have downtime between every level up session. Give you the freedom to invent new stories and learn new skills! I do work a job where I go on call every 4th week, so those weeks we'll take off as not to risk me getting called away and the game being ruined. I plan for every game to be around 5 hours, we’re here to play some old school DnD! Session 0 and 1 will be free. If this game seems at all interesting send me a message here or on discord username: Murva .
Game style
Combat Heavy
“Combat Heavy” games emphasize the combat mechanics within their systems over roleplay or puzzle solving. There are frequent and longer battles with enemies and a greater emphasis on tactical game play.
Roleplay Heavy
“Roleplay Heavy” games place the focus on the story, the characters, and the world they live within, and tend to lean hard into the various roleplaying elements of the game. These games will frequently find the party talking with NPCs, exploring the personal elements of their backstories, or even having emotional moments around the camp fire.
Rules as Written (RaW)
Games that are ran “Rules as Written” emphasize realism and stick to the letter of the rules, allowing players to explore creative solutions while still operating under a consistent rule set. Players have the ability to utilize the rules in creative ways to create awesome characters and moments in the game.
3 years on StartPlaying
1 game hosted
Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules
Additional details
How to prepare
You'll need a mic, discord account, and PC/laptop.
What I provide
I bring a foundry server, wonderful maps for combat, artwork for big locations, 15+ GB's of 5E content I've collected over the years from WotC, the big third party players, the DM's Guild and Kickstarters. I tend to be pretty Rules as written. If I mess something up and we find out after the fact that it would have made a huge impact then I'll find a way to make it right. I'm a wargamer at heart and my favorite type of books to collect are monster books. So get ready for some wild creatures coming your way! I'll never be gunning for a player death or TPK but please keep in mind that it could happen. I'm not the best at voices... But I will make sure you know the difference between who's talking to the party.
Gameplay details
We'll have a session zero to meet each other, chat, and have a good time. It will mostly for feeling out if the group will work well together along side some character building. I will not be describing/roleplaying things that are gross, perverse, or hateful to real world groups. If there is something that you really would not like to be in the game that might fall under something you'd worry I'd not be aware of then message me in private. I will have every member have a one on one with me to join the game just to make sure we've vibe as GM and player.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Session 0
How will character creation work
I'd recommend coming into the game with a few character ideas in your head so we can find you a way to play that fantasy. From there we'll take the time from signup to session zero and to the leadup of session 1 to create a character your excited to play! Everything is on the table in terms of character creation. If you wanna play a '14 paladin but use some of the '24 spells no problem. Wanna play something from MCDM or another homebrew creator, no problem. I just ask that when creating your character we talk about what you're looking to make and be open to possible changes to features. With the biggest thing that the character is someone who'd work with a party, this is a team game after all. No Evil characters. If you choose a '14 or '24 martial class there will be optional replacement mastery systems available for those who want something different. I will impose a one pet subclass for the party restriction as not to have too may balls of health that might slow down combat. Multiclassing is allowed but stat requirements are enforced and I will place a single multiclass restriction. So a Rogue and Ranger multiclass is fine but if you wanted to take a few levels of Fighter as well then I'm going to have to refuse that.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Discord
• Foundry VTT
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Sunday - 5:00 PM UTC
4-6 Hour duration
1 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+