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The Wild Frontiers: A Fantasy Pokemon West March Campaign

The Wild Frontiers: A Fantasy Pokemon West March Campaign

Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3 | Campaign

About the adventure

Hi everyone! This campaign will be a PTA3 take on a West Marches style campaign, set in a fantasy, medieval world. The players will take the roles of adventurers who, for one reason or another, have been chosen to be part of the select few who will be exploring and discovering new areas of the frontiers they inhabit. Joining them will be a handful of merchants, artisans, and other laborers who will be living in the "home base" settlement, working to provide the adventurers with gear and other essentials, to hopefully make their travels a bit easier. The tone of this will, maybe obviously, be pretty different from the typical pokemon setting, with it being closer to what you might expect from a DnD 5e campaign in terms of tone and narrative. In this world, pokemon are closer to dangerous wild animals than the potential companions we know them to be now. With that in mind, players should expect to battle pokemon alongside the pokemon that they own, rather than just watching and commanding from the sidelines. Another important difference from the average pokemon campaign is how pokeballs will be handled. In this setting, pokeballs are incredibly rare, with only the most knowledgeable and "uniquely talented" people being able to create them. The exact nature of their creation is a mystery, and only a select few are able to learn the secret to making them. Luckily, not only will the adventurers who've been chosen have a pokemon of their own already, but a pokeball craftsmen has been sent with the group in order to supply them with pokeballs, should they be able to provide the necessary materials. As for the West Marches aspect of this game, the exploration and travel of course play a huge role in this. Most, if not all, sessions will consist of the PCs traveling to a previously unexplored portion of the map, and hopefully finding something new and worthy to report back to the other adventurers at the main settlement. This campaign will also not have a set schedule as far as how often we play. It will be up to a group of players to determine what week may work for them, and then that group can bring that to me, then I will schedule the session for that day. The system used will be Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3, with homebrew classes to fit the fantasy setting. I have a good amount of experience running this system, and I am completely okay with newer players joining and learning this system as we play!



1 year on StartPlaying

19 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Sets the Mood, Inclusive

Game Master Reviews (4)


Players say this GM is great at:


Sets the Mood


Marlee avatar


A huge thank you to my favorite GM, Caleb! He’s a fantastically skilled and experienced game master who has created a safe space alongside a vibrant adventuring world, all the while taking the time and patience to clear up any of my newbie confusions along the way. I am always impressed with his incredible storytelling; it’s so fun to partake and listen to the seamlessly blended adventures of both improv and engaging plots ( with tons of lovable NPCs, worthy villains, tricky encounters, good music, great acting, and above all, *fun*) Every player gets their time in the limelight and we’ve all been excited to see what’s in store for our individual stories alongside the bigger picture. I would highly highly recommend joining any of his campaigns. :) Thanks again- Esmé the Dhampir Paladin

Justin V avatar

Justin V

I love being one of his players. I've been in about 5 of his campaigns, using various different systems, and it has always been a blast. When we have questions about rules, he is happy to clarify, no matter how many times we ask about it. I would highly recommend his games.

Carolyne Guzman avatar

Carolyne Guzman

To start off, I am fairly new to the world of DnD. Caleb has made the game incredibly fun and easy to understand. He encourages creativity and is always ready to help with any questions. He brings characters to life with his fun voices and sets the scene vividly, making it easy to get immersed in the story. He is also great at balancing the game, ensuring that every player feels involved and valued, regardless of their experience level. He creates a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that makes every session enjoyable. It's also clear that he puts a lot of effort into preparing each session to ensure we all have a great time. With all of that being said, I highly recommend him for both beginners and experienced players looking for an engaging and supportive DM!

Ian avatar


Caleb is great! He's a great storyteller who can switch between serious and humorous tones easily. He's also good at explaining the math and rules of classes, rolls, abilities, etc (cuz I forget them every session). This guy has been playing for a while, so he knows plenty of dnd backgrounds, combats, creatures, characters - and on top of that, he's great at improvising (or letting the party improvise). I swear I've accidently derailed the planned path multiple times - and I'll ask him about it later and he's like, "Oh yeah I just made that part up on the spot." Best of all, Caleb is good at doing whatever is best for the story - if something slightly breaks the rules of dnd, but makes sense in the moment, he's knows how to stretch the rules.

Additional details

How to prepare

To play you will need access to Discord, Roll20, and a character concept. I can provide all rulebooks as PDFs, and as stated above, character sheets can be made on really any platform, so long as they are shared with me. I would definitely recommend reading over the rules at least a bit before starting, and letting me know if you have any questions.

What I provide

I can provide all necessary books as well as links to good character sheets to use, as well as a Roll20 for the VTT. Due to the setting, I have also compiled a list of good homebrew classes and advanced classes to use. Additionally, some rules may be changed in order to fit the setting. For example, due to how much rarer pokeballs will be, I will be making up for it in their effectiveness. For my games, combat and roleplay are both equally important. Any planned combat encounters usually mean something, and are never there just to have you fight something. I also try to provide as many roleplay opportunities as possible, be it within the party or other NPCs. "Rule of Cool" is like a commandment for my campaigns. I always like to tell my players that their character sheets are a guideline for all of the cool stuff their character can do. This applies to your pokemon in this campaign as well. If you would like to change the effects of one of your moves to give your team a certain edge in battle, by all means give it a shot. For scenarios like that, a more difficult check might need to be made, but I will almost always allow that type of outside-the-box thinking.

Gameplay details

Session 0 will be used to discuss most lines and veils, with any and all being adjusted as the players need them to be. After a session, I always like to go over what exactly people enjoyed, and what the did not like so much. This tends to be great not only for going over things that maybe crossed a line we did not know we had, but also to ask what every player would like to see from me.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

Characters will at the very least be conceptualized during Session 0, hopefully being made during Session 0 as well. Afterwards, players may feel free to reach out for questions about character creation, but the actual creation of the character will be left to them on their own time. Player characters will already be considered fairly capable adventurers, having one pokemon with them (which is already quite a feat in this setting). However, to allow for maximum progression throughout the campaign, Player characters will begin at level one.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Custom / Monday - 2:00 PM UTC

3-5 Hour duration

0 / 16 Seats filled


Experience required: Intermediate

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 4 players have joined