Survive The Olde World: Warhammer Fantasy || Beginner Friendly
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay | Campaign
About the adventure
You have traveled the breadth of the Empire of Man, seen much. It is a glorious place, the center of the worlds power. You have seen it's riches, but also it's plights. And while all know the Empire would stand against any threat, there are whispers. Rumors of darkness lurking beneath the surface. Rumors that cults of Chaos seek to topple all that is right. And most disturbingly, rumors that all is happening now, within the Empire itself. Stand as one of your favorite fantasy characters from the Warhammer World, and help stave off a doom set to ruin the world. From fanciful Elves and Dwarfs, to the hardened men who stand before any threat as lawyers, engineers, mages and knights.
Game style
Theater of the Mind
“Theater of the Mind” uses little to no visuals for scene settings and combat. Instead, the narrative imagery comes from the Game Master’s descriptions and character action and movement comes from Players’ descriptions.
Join a classic module for Warhammer Fantasy RPG, and make your way in an unforgiving world where the Empire of Man struggle to maintain their foothold. ~ New players welcome! ~ Current Roster: Your idea for a character here!
1 year on StartPlaying
440 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Teacher
Average response time: 1 hour
Response rate: 100%
Additional details
How to prepare
To participate in the chat on Discord, you'll need a mic. Webcams aren't necessary, but they can help improve communication. Discord accounts are free and you should install the software before the game. I'll provide a link to my personal Discord server for the game. Foundry will be hosted by me, and once you've joined the game we can set up a pre-session to iron out any potential technical set up such as connecting to Foundry. You don't need to know the rules beforehand. I'll help teach you the rules as we play, and I'll help you translate your intentions into the rules where necessary. Your only concern should be enjoying the game and bringing your character to life. You can use physical dice if you have a favorite set, and character sheets will include steps to help automated dice rolling.
What I provide
I'll provide the voice server via Discord and the Foundry VTT campaign link. While most of the game between combats will be Theater of the Mind, we'll use Foundry to set the ambiance and for interactive and complex battles. I have a great command of the system and love helping players get into a new game. I also enjoy helping people find their voice or style or roleplaying, and creating a comfortable environment we can explore together. Open-ended games like this require adaptability and on-the-fly adjustments, and together with the players I look forward to exploring the collaborative world we create. Expect cinematic styling, off screen reveals and an immersive story built around the PCs.
Gameplay details
This game will deal with issues of class struggles, warfare, and PTSD. While the history of the warhammer world may have tragic moments, throughout the game, the PCs will stand for a future which is brighter and rejects such evils. Lines & Veils will help us handle sensitive content and agree upon which subjects are off limits. The comfort of the table is a key priority in any game, and while this game will likely deal with topics not noted in the content warning section, every effort will be made to ensure player safety. This game will feature a heavy amount of Roleplay; That doesn't mean you must do character voices, or even speak in character if you find that difficult, but it does mean being invested in your character and their experience. Who are they? What would they do in this situation, might it be a bad choice, but the choice they'd make? How does whats unfolding around them shape their life, and where will they end up by trying to react to these happenings? It doesn't mean we need to know in advance these answers, rather much we'll be Playing to Find Out, and along the way guiding the story of these young heroes. Sharing the Spotlight and juggling the action, as well as the beats of the story, primarily fall in my responsibilities, but feel free to suggest alterations to scenes or exciting ideas. As long as we share the table respectfully and don't talk other each other, we're all taking on all the roles of director, actor and audience collectively in this game. And who knows what is fun to watch better than an audience themselves? Game will be held on Discord (Mic required, webcam optional but encouraged), with player aids, handouts and characters sheets on Foundry. The game will feature a mix of Theater of the Mind and Battle map scenarios. Lines & Veils handled with handout on Discord & Foundry, and Breaks will be 5-10 minutes at the top of the hour unless everyone is too caught up in the game (or we prefer a single break in the middle). Stepping away for any reason is also completely fine, but if able please check in if it's a slight pause the table can wait for or if you prefer not to interrupt the flow of the game. Post game debrief will occur wrapping up the session, but feel free to use StartPlaying to message any additional thoughts that occur later before the next game. Stars and Wishes can be discussed before stepping away as well, but will also have a Discord channel for the game so there is no stress to think of all the cool things you'd like to see immediately.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Open Door
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
We will create characters together during session 0, following the rules outlined in the core book, including options to randomize your character in exchange for some bonus XP. Additionally I'm available to message on discord if you have any questions about creation and help with any character backstory questions you might have.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Discord
• Foundry VTT
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Friday - 6:00 PM UTC
3-3.5 Hour duration
0 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+