Learn PF2e with the Beginner Box and the Abomination Vaults
Learn PF2e with the Beginner Box and the Abomination Vaults

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Wednesday - 6:00 PM (UTC)

2.5-3 Hour duration

0 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined
About the adventure

Delve into creepy dungeons, fight dragons, and work together as a well-oiled machine to take on a great evil that lurks not too far from your hometown of Otari. This game is particularly aimed at newer players to the Pathfinder 2e roleplaying game, as we delve through the Beginner Box adventure, then take on the classic Abomination Vaults adventure path, which should take your characters to level 11+ by the end. That said, more experienced players who want a chance to play through the adventures are also welcome to join, provided they help foster a good and welcoming atmosphere for any newer players. And for all players, new or old, I expect you to respect the fact that this game is a LGBTQ+ friendly space, and be respectful of one another. We start with the Beginner Box, with the characters following a trail deep underground left by thieves in the cellars of the local fishery of Otari, a small logging community which can ill afford their supplies of food being burgled. The Beginner Box has premade characters, but players who wish can make their own custom made characters in session 0 as well. I am happy to help you build the heroic fantasy character of your dreams! Should your characters live to see the end of the Beginner Box adventure, they will be level 2 when they emerge from the cellars of the fishery, ready to delve into the Abomination Vaults. I am an experienced Pathfinder 2e GM, having run it for the past four years now, both online and offline. We will be using the Foundry VTT premium modules for both the Beginner Box and Abomination Vaults modules, giving you the most "premium" presentation from an audio-visual perspective, with high-resolution maps, immersive audio soundscapes, and eye-catching tokens. This campaign will feature a solid mix of dungeon crawling, combat, puzzles, and roleplaying opportunities both in the dungeon environments and in the town of Otari between delves.

Recruiting notes

- Session 0 is free of charge!


Less than a year on StartPlaying

38 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Knows the Rules

Additional details

How to prepare

You will need a Discord account, a microphone and headset, and a computer with a web browser to access Foundry. You do not need a Foundry license, those are only needed for the GM, nor do you need to pay for any game content, as those are freely available. If players prefer playing with cameras on, I'm more than happy to accommodate that as well. If you want to make your own character from scratch, I'm happy to help you out, and can also point you towards some helpful tools that will assist you. Otherwise, pregens are available, and you can jump right in and learn to play without spending time building a character from scratch.

What I provide

I will bring Foundry VTT, the premier virtual tabletop for playing Pathfinder 2e, and the officially licensed premium modules for both the Beginner Box and Abomination Vaults. They come with premium tokens for monsters and NPCs and high-quality maps and audio. Foundry includes all official Pathfinder rules for free, meaning there is no need for players to purchase anything to make and build their characters. The game will feature intense, tactical combat, with a good degree of automation handled by the virtual tabletop system. I like to play the game by the rules, but am happy to make rulings on questions that aren't covered by the rules, or that we cannot easily look up. I prefer making a ruling in the session that we can later look up post-game than to get bogged down in the rulebooks mid-game. Luckily the game is well designed, and there are good, free tools available to search through all published rules, so this has rarely been an issue I have found. I like to roll my dice publically rather than private (or if we were playing in person, rolling in the open rather than behind the GM screen). I do this to ensure that you know that there is no fudging going on, and the successes you earn as players are your own, not the result of the GM taking pity without telling you. The only exception are rolls that are explicitly marked as "secret" rolls in the game, which should always be rolled secretly by the GM - these are mainly rolls where it wouldn't be plainly visible to the characters if they failed or not until the consequences are revealed.

Gameplay details

Session 0 will include a discussion of the themes in the adventures, going over the consent forms, and making sure that everyone is comfortable with this style of adventure. We will also be making characters together, as well as talk about our expectations from the game.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Lines and Veils

Session 0

How will character creation work

We will create characters during session 0, and run this game with no variant rules enabled by default. Stats are decided in the default "ABCD" format of the game (ancestry bonuses, background bonuses, class bonuses, and freely designated bonuses), and we start at level 1. We will be using the remastered rules from the Player Core, Player Core 2, GM Core, and Monster Core books. Any content that hasn't been updated yet from "Legacy" books is also available to use.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT
