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D&D Heists 0$ Oneshot

D&D Heists 0$ Oneshot

Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Homebrew Game | One-Shot

About the adventure

“The noble and powerful take what they want from you, sculpting reality at their whim. Right now, you might feel like there’s a Tarrasque on your backs, but that’s where we come in. We’re the rogues that makes sure they don't give you the last laugh. We provide…counterweight.” Hey! I invite you to exciting and surprising capers, you loveable rogues! Come play as characters that will have a plan B, C all the way to Z, even if players haven't a clue, and rob some rich, corrupt, hateful bastards!

Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

10 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Teacher

Average response time: 16 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

-Microphone; -The desire to have fun; -Common sense for sensitive topics; -Being comfortable with the idea of character autonomy shaking the narrative: In most campaigns heroes react to threats, but in this the heroes are the "threat" to the systems at hand, so I hope you'll love the idea of character actions affecting and changing the world!

What I provide

-I encourage roleplaying. Doing voices and acting is not required to roleplay. -I'm the creator of the Rapscallions! 5e expansion for heists. -I run mostly low prep, laid back games uninterested in punishing player choices; -I'm part of a tabletop game design collective; -You can find my discord at “monocores”

Gameplay details

Recommended inspiration material, for the setting: *Arcane *Ocean’s 11 *Eberron *Blades in The Dark *Planescape *Dragon Age: Absolution *Leverage *Styx: Master of Shadows *Six Of Crows *Lies of Locke Lamora *Mistborn What kind of game will we play? *A roleplay focused game, shifted towards spotlighting characters; *A setting built based in the Player Character's backstories, with compelling intrigue and unique factions; * A map that will be drawn as we introduce Player Characters; *Consensus-based decision taking: As GM, I avoid making decisions without consulting players first. When in doubt, we roll dice to decide! *Lower HP pool for PCs and NPCs means less, but more high-stakes combat: Encounters might be ended if the table agrees and we shift the encounter to a chase, an ambush or a stealth sequence; TPKs would also be avoided, but prison breaking or purgatory breaking are also fun! Consent: *We'll be using this sheet: *Topics marked in the consent sheet will be visible in a handout in Roll20 at all times; *Consent is not irrevocable, it should always be reassessed. *We may also use the WRAP dynamic:

Content warnings

Safety tools used

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

You could either take a pregen character made by me or create your own, using the following: -All published material available; -Stats by standard array; -Have one trait, ideal, bond and flaw; -starting level: 3; -You start with a trinket, either from the PHB or other published materials;

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used




Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Once / Saturday - 10:30 PM UTC

Feb 1

3-4 Hour duration

2 / 5 Seats filled



Experience required: Open to all

Age: 13-17