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Curse of Strahd Hardcore

Curse of Strahd Hardcore

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

This D&D game will be a Hardcore Campaign where you will be in the world of Curse of Strahd. Requires experience in DND and its not friendly on new players. This is an inspiration of Streamer/DM of World of IO, BrettlUltimus on Twitch. All credit is towards him and I want to try to run this campaign.


Less than a year on StartPlaying

Average response time: 3 hours

Response rate: 100%

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Additional details

How to prepare

You will need a Microphone and Discord, accept the Invitation link for Foundry. You will have to create characters with me.

What I provide

I will try to do character voices as I want to practice, I use various tracks of musics from video games and rpgs, Rule of Cool is always allowed if reasonable.

Gameplay details

We can go over on the Safety on a discord call and make a list that we don't feel comfortable of talking. I will have it in my notes and make sure.

Content warnings

• Body Horror

• Blood

• Character Death

• Snakes

• Spiders

• Violence

• Cults

• Death

• Devils / Demons / Fiends

• Fire

• Gore

• Kidnapping

• Mind Control

Safety tools used





Lines and Veils

Luxton Technique

Luxton Technique Discussion

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

Character Creation will be done in a voice chat in Discord where rules and boundaries can be made. I'm okay with re-flavoring the classes to suit your needs. Starting at Level 1 and Stats will be rolled in order, Strength, Dexterity, etc. However... If you don't like the stats you can do a Single mulligan and you are stuck with the next character you make. While playing the game you must care for the character, no suicidal characters or killing them on purpose and obviously don't be the asshole characters. No Backgrounds with Feats. Blood-hunter will not be allowed. Drinking Health Potions can be used as a Bonus Action. Injury Table will be used every time you are downed, hence the Hardcore aspect. Book Restrictions: Grim Hollow

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Foundry VTT



/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Tuesday - 2:00 PM UTC

4-4 Hour duration

1 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Intermediate

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 4 players have joined