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Kingmaker: Make your own rules!

Kingmaker: Make your own rules!

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign

About the adventure

For good or ill you have the chance to carve out your own little kingdom! Your fate and fortune awaits you in the stolen lands of the river kingdoms! Map the lands and carve out a piece of it for yourself! Enemies may await you in these lands but if you can make it past all of them then everything you have ever wanted can be yours!



Less than a year on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Sets the Mood

Game Master Reviews (5)


Players say this GM is great at:



Sets the Mood

Andy Johnston avatar

Andy Johnston

New review

Played 3 sessions

I've only had a couple sessions with Oliver, but so far each one has been conducted with a high amount of effort and enthusiasm. Oliver knows how to strike a perfect balance between RP, combat encounters and immersive world-building and storytelling, depending on what your party prefers. In our game, Oliver has crafted a world where we have a high degree of player choice while maintaining a light and homey feeling. It really feels that our decisions will impact the flow of the story moving forward, which our party tends to prefer. Overall, a solid experience, and I'm keen to see how things develop moving forward.

Kacper avatar


A great DM with knowledge and experience in DMing a variety of systems. Follows the rules of the system but still allows leeway for Rule of Cool. Really encourages his players to roleplay and allows them the freedom to shape the story along with him.

Alex Segers avatar

Alex Segers

Getting him to balance how many games he's running is the only tricky part about Oliver from personal experience. But once he commits to running a game, he goes above and beyond to ensure his players are enjoying themselves in whatever TTRPG he's running

Phalonu avatar


This man What can I say about this man The amount of detail and creativity that this person puts forward into their game process blows me away every time I see them. Their artistry is masterful. I always have fun when we play together. Just a fantastic person to play with, through and through.

Kathe avatar


Oliver has provided me with some of my most favorite experiences! If i could give him more than the three tags I would~ He's free with story beats but knows when to tug the reigns, Not to mention he's jokes in an out of game. Its a calm environment and made me laugh so much so often. He's brilliant. I cannot give a higher recommendation!

Additional details

How to prepare

Bring with you a go get em attitude and a willingness to play. A microphone is needed and a webcam is welcome! I will personally have a webcam on during the game as it helps with the more homely feel at the table.

What I provide

I bring with me the entire Kingmaker 2e module for foundry as well as much more paid content that i can get my hands on. Music, maps, virtual dice? You name it.

Gameplay details

Any player is always welcome to talk with me or send a message should they feel that they need to speak about something that happened in the game.

Content warnings

• Alcohol Use

• Animal Death

• Blood

• Character Death

• Death

• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)

• Execution

• Fire

• Guns

• Insects

• Spiders

• Torture

• Violence

Safety tools used



Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

During session 0 we will go over all parts of character creation. Including the variant rules for free archetype and gradual progression. If you join after session 0 then i will take some time out a different day so we can make your character ready for next session.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT


More upcoming games

/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Sunday - 9:00 AM UTC

3-4 Hour duration

1 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined