Mutant Year Zero: Genlab Alpha | New Players Welcome
Mutant Year Zero, Year Zero Engine | Campaign
About the adventure
You live in paradise, a vast valley surrounded by high mountains. Your valley is full of wild moors, lush forests filled with game, and cold streams where fish spawn in the spring. Paradise, however, is a prison. Walls and electric fences keep you in. Nightmare machines — the Watchers — are your brutal jailers. Occasionally, they take one of your people away to perform experiments. Sometimes they unleash monsters to hunt your people. And who are your people? You are one of the nine tribes, mutated animals, reshaped in human form to use human tools and human speech. Why the humans left you here with the Watchers, you don't know. The Elders say that you will be set free and united with your human creators once you are worthy. Others say that humans are dead, and it is time to claim your freedom. It has been this way for generations, but now there is a growing sense of unrest, of resistance against the brutality of the Watchers. A resistance that promises freedom. Freedom from the Watchers. Freedom from Paradise. --- Escape from Paradise is a post-apocalyptic game set in the Mutant Year Zero world, using the Genlab Alpha supplement and campaign. You play uplifted animal mutants, members of the Dog, Cat, Rat, Bear, Ape, Rabbit, Badger, or Reptile tribes, who join the Resistance to free themselves from their prison home. Your characters will work to grow the Resistance amongst the nine tribes and conduct missions to gain their freedom. As players, you will also represent the council of the Resistance and choose missions other resistance cells will undertake.
☢️ This is a beginner-friendly game designed to be engaging for experienced players. ☢️ Balance of roleplay, exploration, social encounters, and combat. ☢️ This is a welcoming, open table and there is no space for racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or transphobia.
1 year on StartPlaying
12 games hosted
Highly rated for: Inclusive, Teacher, Creativity
Additional details
How to prepare
To play, you will need: ☢️ A reliable internet connection and ability to access our Discord and Foundry VTT servers, as well as access to Google Drive. ☢️ A reliable microphone for voice chat via Discord. Web cameras are optional. ☢️ A free Discord and Foundry account To prepare for our free Session Zero, you should: ☢️ Join our Discord and Foundry VTT servers. ☢️ Fill out our modified Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist so we may establish our game's expectations for lines, veils, ask first topics, and issues and themes of interest.
What I provide
☢️ A Discord site for voice and text chat to be used before, during, and after our game session, and if we wish, a LegendKeeper site for us to record campaign details. ☢️ 24/7 access to our Foundry VTT site with player-facing material from the Mutant Year Zero and Mutant Year Zero: Genlab Alpha books. ☢️ A guide to character creation and quick-reference sheets of the game's mechanics. ☢️ Mechanics for players to establish and achieve short and long-term goals for their characters and to build those interests into our campaign. ☢️ My 26-years experience as a GM, and my ability to run games that are both beginner-friendly and enjoyable for long-time players.
Gameplay details
As a gritty post-apocalyptic game set in the Mutant Year Zero world in which your characters are kept as prisoners and experimental subjects, we will encounter themes of violence, abuse, imprisonment, betrayal, and other dark themes. I don't engage in graphic descriptions of violence, abuse, or gore, but because each of us have different tolerance thresholds, I strongly encourage players to make use of our safety tools, and we can revise our lines and veils as needed. To help ensure we all enjoy our game, I will send out a modified version of the Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist prior to Session Zero. Other safety tools we'll use during play include the X-card, Script Changes, and an Open Door policy, as well as post-session Debriefing, Stars and Wishes, and Roses and Thorns in our Discord text channels. We'll also check in with each other to make sure we're enjoying the game. During Session Zero, we will discuss the game, the framework for our campaign, and then begin character creation. During game play, we'll use Discord for voice and text chat, along with Foundry VTT to manage skill checks, combat, and the like. While we will use some maps and images, much of our game will be run using theater of the mind, and during each session, we will have at least one 10 minute break, roughly halfway through each session. I strongly encourage feedback, both in what you like about current play, what you would like to see happen, and what isn't working for you. I see my job as trying to create the best experience I'm able to for each player.
Content warnings
• Abuse
• Alcohol Use
• Animal abuse
• Animal Cruelty
• Animal Death
• Body Horror
• Cannibalism
• Character Death
• Classism
• Death
• Deep or Large Bodies of Water
• Drowning
• Euthanasia
• Execution
• Extreme Violence
• Fire
• Freezing
• Guns
• Hostages
• Illness
• Insects
• Kidnapping
• Language/Cursing
• Lifechanging Injury
• Mass Death
• Medical Issues
• Memory Erasing
• Mind alteration
• Murder
• Mutilation
• Nightmares about Traumatic Events
• Panic Attacks
• Paralyzation
• Police Brutality
• Prejudice
• Scars
• Seizures
• Self-Harm
• Small Spaces (Claustrophobia)
• Snakes
• Spiders
• Suffocation
• Suicide
• Terrorism
• Torture
• Trauma
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Breaks
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
• Open Door
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
We will discuss and begin character creation during our Session Zero. If you would prefer a pre-generated character, please ask.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Discord
• Foundry VTT
• Theater of the Mind
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Bi-weekly / Friday - 5:30 PM UTC
Mar 21 / Session 3
3-4 Hour duration
4 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+