Death to the Great Wyrms of Drakha! level 17-20 mini campaign
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Welcome to the magical world of Rhaava! You used to live in the continent of Valerna, where you grew up and had a good life. Dragons were a rarity except on the night of Red Moons, where a portal opens up between their world, Drakha, and yours for a few days every 27 years. During a Red Moon, dragons raze mortal settlements across Valerna, killing at their leisure and gorging on the abundant Vaala, then take countless prisoners to live under the dragons’ rule back at Drakha. A few of them become serfs or servants for the dragons. Those are the lucky ones. Most end up stored for food or experimented on. Many Valerians still dream of finding a way to return to their ancestral home one day, while a small-yet-growing group seeks ways to overthrow their dragon oppressors... and you are going to join them. In this campaign, you and your party find themselves drawn further and further into the conspiracy against the dragon rulers. You will be going up against the seven Azhurmas, gargantuan dragons ruling over their respective broods. You will gain powerful magical items, experience, and knowledge as you battle these terrifying foes. You must use strategy, wit, and your allies to have your vengeance for all Valerians and change Drakha forever! This campaign should take 25-30 sessions to complete. This game uses 2014 5e rules, and will for the entirety of the campaign.
3 years on StartPlaying
1362 games hosted
Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Creativity, Inclusive
Average response time: 1 hour
Response rate: 86%
Game Master Reviews (181)
Players say this GM is great at:
Knows the Rules
Dev Alva was the DM for my first online D&D session and I had a lot of fun and overall a great experience. They're very friendly and seem to genuinely want everyone to have a fun time during a game. Their knowledge of the rules seems solid and they have creative narrative ideas to add into combat scenarios so that it isn't always just down to rolling dice. And if your really shy and socially awkward they are very good at helping you feel welcome and comfortable. I would recommend Dev Alva to anyone!!!
Additional details
How to prepare
Players need a working mic and access to a computer. The game will be held over discord and roll20, so you will need an account on both. Players will need to make their character sheet ahead of time in roll20 or dndbeyond. If dndbeyond, they will need to have the chrome extension beyond20.
What I provide
If you play with me, you'll be playing with one of the most recommended dms on the site, as well as one of the most experienced dms for balancing high level play in 5e. I have several level 20 oneshots I run regularly on SPG, as well as many ongoing level 20 campaigns. Before I became an SPG dm, I was running level 16-20 adventures for years. I use unique monsters, strategies, and my experience to deliver an amazing game. I run my games RAW, or rules as written. If you have a rules question for me that I haven't come across before or forgotten about, I will pause the game momentarily to look it up and make sure everything is according to the spirit of the rules. I reference Sage Advice/Jeremy Crawford tweets, but have my own opinions as well (such as the interpretation of magic missile, shield master feat, and dispel magic). I have one homebrew rule, which is you can drink a potion as a bonus action.
Gameplay details
This game contains safety tools. There will be no homophobia, transphobia, or sexual assault in my games. Special warnings for: humanoid slavery and fighting against oppressors.
Content warnings
• Alcohol Use
• Blood
• Death
• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)
• Fire
• Hostages
• Kidnapping
• Prejudice
• Racism
• Slavery
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Luxton Technique
• Open Door
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Character creation will be done before the game. If you can create your character sheet on roll20 that would be the best, but I also accept Dndbeyond sheets that can be linked to roll20. Character creation rules: Level 17 Point buy (27) If your background does not come with a feat, choose one free feat Sourcebooks allowed: Dungeon Master's Guide, Player's Handbook, Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, Monsters of the Multiverse, Glory of the Giants, Book of Many Things Magic items: Allowed from sourcebooks above 1 very rare 2 rare 3 uncommon banned items: broom of flying, adamantine armor, mizzium armor, bag of devouring, horns of valhalla, manual of golems, guardian emblem, deck of wonder I highly suggest reading through this to learn more about the world: You will start out with 100gp and 3 superior healing potions. This is a high magic item campaign, and I will take requests for legendary magic items to find in the dragons' hoards for your pc.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Discord
• Roll20
More upcoming games
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Monday - 7:00 PM UTC
3-3.5 Hour duration
1 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Intermediate
Age: 18+