Free Archetype! Wardens of Wildwood! LVL 5 Primal Adventure!

Free Archetype! Wardens of Wildwood! LVL 5 Primal Adventure!

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Friday - 12:00 AM UTC

2-3 Hour duration

4 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Intermediate

Age: 18+

About the adventure

As the fledgling nation of Taldor grew over millennia, it picked away at the surrounding wilderness, felling valuable trees while riling the beasts, fey, and other inhabitants into generations of cyclical violence. Only millennia later did Taldor and the forest’s eminent druids of the Wildwood Lodge negotiate lasting peace with the Treaty of the Wildwood. Even so, the forest remains a realm besieged by civilization. As forest-dwellers gather for the annual Greenwood Gala, the election of Lodge leadership, and the renewal of the treaty, there’s an opportunity to resolve old grudges—and as much potential to spark war. Though they arrived as guests, the PCs are soon deputized as part-time guards for the annual Greenwood Gala, a convention for primal-tradition powerbrokers and a festival associated with the Green Faith. After entering competitions, making connections, and shutting down troublemakers, they earn a privileged seat at the ceremony renewing the Treaty of the Wildwood. Trouble will arise when the heroes learn that not everyone in attendance is happy with maintaining the status qua and are fighting for chance. As stirrings of vigilantes and militias of arboreals, fey, and beasts mobilize to punish Andoran and Taldor, the PCs must avert bloodshed and maintain order long enough for the Lodge to reach a peaceful conclusion. This wilderness-themed Pathfinder adventure designed for four 5th-level characters and has an emphasis on roleplaying, exploration, and intrigue over combat. As a group of adventurers navigate a tricky balance between idyllic wilderness, a hungry nation, and primal forces beyond the natural world. This adventure is a perfect companion to many of the ancestries and player options recently released "Howl of the Wild" sourcebook.

Published Writer
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

375 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

For this Pathfinder game I will be using two platforms, discord for voice/messages and foundry for dice rolls/character sheets. Equipment-wise players are expected to bring a desktop computer or laptop with a stable internet connection and a working microphone. Voice chat and the majority of text messages will be done through a discord server, I will provide the invitation link to the server when players after join the game. It is preferred that players have a noise free environment or set push to talk when there is much background noise. All Player’s need to play this campaign is a computer that can run Foundry VTT and a working microphone. Owning the actual rulebooks is not required because most of the rules, spells, items, and abilities are already a part of the Pathfinder 2e Foundry Module which is regularly updated or easily accessible on sites such as Archives of Nethys. Knowledge of pathfinder 2e ruleset and/or lore not preferred but not required. For those interested in purchasing the rulebooks, this campaign will be primarily utilizing the Remaster Core rulebooks. Knowledge of Pathfinder lore is not required to enjoy this adventure path. However, for those willing to take some time to do research recommended research topics for greater understanding: The Nations of Taldor/Andoran, the Verudian Forrest, and the Treaty of Wildwood are all important to the Adventure Path.

What I provide

Hello, my name is James. I got my start game mastering close to five years ago and have been game mastering professionally for the last year. Pathfinder 2nd edition holds a special place in my heart as the first real game that I got to experience right after its release in 2019, since then I have run the Beginner Box, two modules, and an entire adventure path. Foundry VTT is a great tool and has made running the game much smoother. The game is not for everyone and does require a decent amount of experience to run properly. Paizo’s adventure paths can make for great campaigns and I have played through a number of them in my time gaming. However, even the shorter ones require a decent amount of dedication in order to complete. How many times have you been part of a group and it fell apart due to scheduling? I’m happy to announce that because of Start Playing that I have been able to game almost every single week since I started. Wardens of Wildwood's unique premise appeals to my sensibilities given its focus on roleplaying and intrigue over combat. While I do not know if this adventure will appeal to everyone it is still my goal as your game master I promise to provide you an engaging, thoughtful, and dynamic experience each week. My greatest strength is my ability to adapt to the wishes of my table. My DMs are always open and my response times are lighting fast, so don’t hesitate to ask me a question.

Gameplay details

During session zero I discuss the themes of the campaign and try to integrate them into the character building process. Lines and Veils are discussed during session zero, while this campaign does not contain extreme violence it does invoke some real world issues such as environmentalism and terrorism. I like to have one or two five minute breaks for each game session and we normally will go for between two or three hours. I always ensure that there is enough time to discuss the session, rules clarification, and any other feedback. At the end of the every session I also like to ask each player who was star of the session and reward a second starting hero point to those who receive the most votes. At the end of every chapter I also like to do a check-in with all the players to ensure they are enjoying overall direction of the game. Like all pathfinder games, players can expect plenty of action and opportunities for adventure however, Wardens of Wildwood is somewhat unique in that it focuses more upon political intrigue than dungeon crawling or other combat encounters. The adventure heavily implores the use of the Influence subsystem and features a lot of opportunity to roleplaying and exploration. These unique design choices are personally what sold me to the adventure path but I can sympathize with those players who play pathfinder more as a hack and slash heroic fantasy game. After all the game does that very well! When combat does inevitably happen, I love to challenge the characters with balanced but more tactically minded opponents in order to ensure a more dynamic encounter. After a night of mostly roleplaying I can understand that there is nothing more anti-climatic than an overly simplistic fight! As for roleplaying, I tend to be more serious and attempt to give character-driven dialogue that challenge the character’s morality and passions. Combat should not be the only arena in which your hero faces challenges! Lastly, I make sure to not forget about including exploration actions and opportunities for downtime activities. They are a pillar of the game that can easily be forgotten, but I don’t believe should.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Lines and Veils

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

All player characters will be created together over session zero. Something essential to understand about this Adventure Path is that it assumes the PCs are residents or allies of the Verduran Forest, potentially even members of the Wildwood Lodge, fey dignitaries,or representatives from distant Green Faith groups. Likewise, some PCs might exist outside of druidic primal magic society, such as naturalists, foreign diplomats hoping to create something like the Treaty Of the Wildwood for their homeland, and nature-loving souls seeking their next assignment. The six backgrounds that are allowed for this adventure path will be found in the Warden's of Wildwood Player's Guide. At the start of this campaign, you and your party members have arrived at the Isle of Arenway to attend the Moot of Ages. The six custom backgrounds created for this Adventure Path present various reasons your PCs might know the local druids, live in the Verduran Forest, or have been invited to attend. For classes, the Moot of Ages welcomes those who guard and commune with nature, making druids and rangers the prototypical guests. Kineticists, drawing their power from natural elements, are also a strong choice for an attendee. There is no class that would be a bad choice so long as you have narrative reasons to attend the Moot, but taking options that connect your character to nature, the elements, or the fey will draw your character deeper into the themes of the adventure.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Foundry VTT
