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[First Session Free!] 🧨PF2E Outlaws in Alkenstar🧨

[First Session Free!] 🧨PF2E Outlaws in Alkenstar🧨

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign

About the adventure

Come join a shady band of outlaws and scoundrels as you navigate an explosive plot inside the steampunk city of Alkenstar. After suffering a betrayal at the hands of the crooked law and villainous characters of Alkenstar, you will have to find refuge and secure support as you make a new place for yourself in the underbelly of the city. Heists, daring chases, rescues and infiltrations fill this campaign and keep each session exciting. This campaign will take players from level 1 to 10, and is a great way to learn the patfinder 2E system. It gives players a chance to explore one of the more unique areas of Golarion as you deal with machines, explosive gangs, gunfighters and countless more marvels of technology. Players can expect plenty of combat and exploration, and chances to navigate the seedy social life of an outlaw. Played using Foundry VTT.

Recruiting notes

Have you had a hankering for shootouts and whiskey? Does a life on the run from the law excite you? If you have a desire for steam machines, gunslingers, airships and explosive scenarios then this campaign is right up your alley. Outlaws in Alkenstar sets itself apart from the average pathfinder setting by including a vast amount of technological marvels. The campaign is a great place to explore a PF2E in a unique action filled setting that breaks traditional fantasy molds. This game takes place from levels 1-10 and is a great way to learn Pathfinder 2e! New and veteran players are more than welcome.


1 year on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive

Average response time: 3 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

The only two things I require from my players are a working microphone (Text only accommodations are an option), and for them to have a browser that is compatible with Foundry VTT, Chrome is suggested but other browsers should be viable.

What I provide

I will be supplying the VTT, Maps and tokens, as well as referable documents for character creation. I will be providing both fully fleshed out battle maps, as well as creating custom battlemaps when needed for off the rails exploration. I will be playing atmospheric music and have ambient tracks inside of the foundry to add to immersion. I utilize character voices and enjoy role play, often allowing for after session roleplay to continue past the session stop time free of charge to help players with character development, or roleplay fulfillment. My combats are often tactical, dynamic and action packed. I prefer to avoid combats that feel like nothing but dice rolling, and instead engage both the Player character, and players directly. I enjoy dialogues and roleplay in combat in order to enjoy the personalities of different monsters you encounter. I believe in rules knowledge, and having a good base of knowledge of the rules; however I do this so that I feel confident as a GM when I need change the rules. I enjoy the rule of cool, and will accommodate player creativeness as long as its respectful of the other players at the table. I don't let the rule of cool go too far and will rein in ideas when too grandiose, or game breaking.

Gameplay details

I keep an open line of communication with all players that they may use at any time to bring up things that have bothered them. This is both during and outside of session. I also maintain lines and veils for topics discussed during session 0, where clearly established no go zones, and grey zones will be established. For example I never include sexually explicit content in any sessions I run, this is a grey veil however as it may be implied, but never described.

Content warnings

Safety tools used

Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

We will make characters together during session 0, session 0 is a free session. Starting level is level 1, details of what will be aloud will be gone through during session 0, but expect to only be choosing from common choices as a guideline.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Bi-weekly / Tuesday - 12:00 AM UTC

Apr 1 / Session 4

3-4 Hour duration

5 / 5 Seats filled


Tue, Apr 01 | 12:00 AM - Session 4


Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+