Monster Hunting 5e | One-shot bonanza! | Heliana's guide
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | One-Shot
/ Session
Once / Monday - 1:00 PM (UTC)
Dec 16
3.5-4 Hour duration
0 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+
About the adventure
[This is one of the monster hunting one shots in the one-shot bonanza! Get 1$ discount on all of them for every game you sign into above the first one] Adventurer, we need your help! After a recent solstice festival a dangerous monster is roaming nearby our shrine, we will reward you handsomely! Adventurer, we need your help! Our huntsmen are not coming back from the woods and it looks like the wild animals went unusually vicious. Please bring our husbands and fathers back to safety. Adventurer... Join story rich monster hunts in 5e with Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting and some resources from Ryoko's guide to Yokai Realms! Tracking, harvesting, crafting, multi phase battles all the best you can expect from the beloved franchise.
[This is one of the monster hunting one shots in the one-shot bonanza! Get 1$ discount on all of them for every game you sign into above the first one] The barrier between the Plane of Fey and the Material Plane has always been loose around Springarden, a bountiful, blossom-filled estate in the heart of the Springwood. Tiny sprites and pixies freely travel between the Plane of Fey’s eternal sunset and the garden’s perpetual spring. Each year, a confluence of stars weakens the barrier to the Plane of Fey and marks the annual Feyfest, a fey-themed festival. Drawn by the radiant energy that seeped through the weakened barrier between planes are sometimes mor dangerous, monstrous creatures... **The druids of the Blossom Union will handsomely reward brave adventurers who will rid Springarden of the monstrosity desacrating our Shrine.** ~a poster on the job board NOTE: I plan to run this scenario multiple times over the one shot bonanza but if you want to sign in more than once - let me know. I will make variations to make it truly worth it! I've done it in the past and my players claim to have had a lot of fun every time.
Additional details
How to prepare
- headphones and microphone and quite space - discord account strongly recommended - owlbear rodeo account recommended - decent internet connection - camera optional - dice if you want to roll physical over digital - prepare or choose characters - optional: familiarize with harvesting and crafting rules (in prep materials) - optional: familiarize with additional player options if you'd like to use them
What I provide
Battlemaps from CZEPEKU A whole lot from Loot Tavern: - magic items - player options - monsters - multi phase battles - harvesting and crafting - ambiance - handouts - tokens - player options Owlbear VTT Kenku FM for music and sound effects Discord server (link in prep materials) Roll with your physical dice or digital ones on the tabletop (I am a dice goblin and I love physical dice)
Gameplay details
- X, N, O cards will be integrated in the VTT. - I will gather lines and veils prior to or at the start of the session. - after the session we will have a debrief
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Breaks
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
I provide and encourage to use character options from Heliana's and Ryoko! I will have some pregens for players to choose from and will gladly accept character sheets prepared by players. I will be available to discuss the characters over discord and if provided I wil do my best to integrate characters' backstory to the scenario. Creation rules: - point buy 30 points - adjusted limits min= -6 and max= 18 (17 costs 3, 18 costs 4) - 1st level free feat (encouraged racial feats from ryoko) - details for starting equipment above 1st level in recruitment notes
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Owlbear Rodeo
• Discord