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Rage Across New York

Rage Across New York

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition | Campaign

Warning: Game may not start today
It may be too close to this game’s start time, or this game may have too few players to start today. This Game Master needs at least 24 hours to prepare for a new player to join and at least 3 players to start the game today. Joining now may not leave enough time to set you up.
About the adventure

The year is 1991. The Wyrm's corruption has spread far, but nowhere has Gaia suffered like the Empire State. From Manhattan’s crowded tenements to the toxic waste pits of Love Canal, the land is scarred and tainted. But the Garou will not hold back their rage any longer—the time to strike back against the Wyrm has come. Your characters will face the savagery of their new lives as Garou. If you can survive your Rite of Passage, the Elders will give you new missions to combat the Wyrm wherever it spreads its ugly tentacles of corruption and decay.

Recruiting notes

Your PC will: 1. Have a clear motivation. 2. Be able to collaborate effectively with other party members. 3. Have a foil within the group: someone will complement your weaknesses or serve as a friendly rival. 4. Have a well-defined personality weakness. Use the 7 deadly sins for inspiration. 5. Have a well-defined backstory. Background Story Requirements: 1. Your story must align with the setting. 2. Your character's backstory should not exceed their current level of power. 3. Be concise, no longer than one page. 4. Include a list of three Touchstones that are relevant to your character's story.

Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

464 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules

Average response time: 2 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Bring a microphone! Webcams are optional. Players are NOT required to know the rules or create characters ahead of time. No software needed. Players should definitely join the Discord!

What I provide

* Immersive acting for NPCs * Epic soundtrack * Virtual Tabletop * Virtual maps * Character sheets * Tokens * Rulebooks * Stories * Virtual dice

Gameplay details

The list of content warnings are examples of what may come up in play. We will, of course, calibrate this list according to player wishes. The players decide what degree of historical accuracy the campaign involves in terms of feudalism, theocracy, and so on. I send out a veils and lines document to players before Session 0. We go through this comprehensively during Session 0. The document is a living one, and players should always feel free and encouraged to refine and recalibrate it during the campaign.

Content warnings

Safety tools used

Lines and Veils

Luxton Technique

Luxton Technique Discussion

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

A part of Session 0 is spent on fleshing out concepts players bring to the table, including background stories, connection with humans, etc. How did they grow up? Who was mom and dad? Siblings? Work? What are your character's guiding values and tragic personality flaws? Your PC will: 1. Have a clear motivation. 2. Be able to collaborate effectively with other party members. 3. Have a foil within the group: someone will complement your weaknesses or serve as a friendly rival. 4. Have a well-defined personality weakness. Use the 7 deadly sins for inspiration. 5. Have a well-defined backstory. Background Story Requirements: 1. Your story must align with the setting. 2. Your character's backstory should not exceed their current level of power. 3. Be concise, no longer than one page. 4. Include a list of three enemies, three allies, and three acquaintances that are relevant to your character's story.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Saturday - 7:00 PM UTC

2-3 Hour duration

5 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+