The Veil Beneath - Ebonridge (Homebrew in Golarion)
The Veil Beneath - Ebonridge (Homebrew in Golarion)

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Tuesday - 6:30 PM (UTC)

3-4 Hour duration

2 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 4 players have joined
About the adventure

**In the mist-laden town of Ebonridge**, the lines between the living and the dead blur. For centuries, the town has been home to both, its citizens—human, undead, and otherwise—living side by side in an uneasy but enduring balance. Far from bustling cities, Ebonridge thrives on secrecy and tradition, where whispers carry through the narrow streets, and old customs hold strong. But tonight, **something stirs**. A storm unlike any in living—or undead—memory has descended upon Ebonridge, shaking even its most stalwart residents. The skies darken, the winds howl, and the relentless downpour pounds the town with a force no one was prepared for. **Fear spreads like wildfire** through the town’s huddled populace, as this storm seems destined to tear Ebonridge apart. Inside **The Crooked Mug**, a tavern that has stood for generations, the atmosphere is thick with tension. The fire struggles to burn, and the wind rattles the windows like the clattering bones of the long-forgotten. With the storm showing no sign of relenting, the tavern’s keeper, **Garrol Finker**, speaks of a last-ditch option: a **sealed hatch** in the undercroft, hidden beneath the tavern for centuries. No one alive—or undead—knows what lies below, but Garrol believes it might be the key to surviving the night. The choice is yours: Risk everything to survive the storm outside, or delve into the **forgotten depths** beneath the tavern and uncover what has remained hidden for generations. **The Veil Beneath** is a tale of survival and courage in the face of the unknown. Will you seek shelter in the mysterious undercroft, or brave the fury of the storm above? 🌪️ The fate of **Ebonridge**, and perhaps your own, rests in your hands.

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Voices, Inclusive

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

### 🎮 **What You Need to Get Started** Here’s a quick checklist of everything you’ll need to join **The Veil Beneath** and be ready for Session 0: 🎤 **Microphone**: You’ll need a working mic, as we’ll be using voice chat during the game. Make sure it’s clear and reliable so we can all communicate easily! 🌐 **Join the Discord**: We’ll be chatting over Discord, so make sure you’ve joined the server and are set up. You can join the Discord here: [Join the Discord]( This is where announcements, game updates, and general communication will happen. 🖥️ **Forge VTT**: The game will be run through **Forge VTT**, which hosts **Foundry**. I’ll send you a link closer to the session, so make sure you’re set up before we start. If you’re new to it, don’t worry—I’ll walk you through how it works. It’s straightforward to get going, and I’m here to help with any issues. 📚 **Pathfinder 2e Basics**: Having a base understanding of **Pathfinder 2e** is helpful, but not required. If you’re new to the system, no problem! I’ll explain the rules as we go. All you need is a strong willingness to learn, and you’ll be fine! 🧙‍♂️ **Character Concept**: Bring a character idea with you to **Session 0**! You don’t need to have everything fully built yet, but having a rough concept will make the process smoother. Think about why your character would be in **The Crooked Mug** on that stormy night! 👋 **Meet the Team**: During **Session 0**, we’ll meet everyone and set up expectations for the game. It’s a great time to introduce your character concept, get to know your fellow players, and ask any questions you might have. That’s all you need! Everything else, we’ll handle together as we dive into the world of **The Veil Beneath**. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

What I provide

### 🎮 **What I Bring to the Table** I run all my games through **Foundry VTT**, and honestly, I love it. The dynamic lighting, custom maps, and tokens really help bring everything to life in a way that feels immersive and engaging. It’s great for keeping things organized and smooth, and it just makes the game feel that much more alive when you’re navigating through a detailed, atmospheric setting. 🎨 I’m also big on using **sound effects** and **background music** to set the mood—whether we’re in a tense, shadowy dungeon or a lively town square, I’ll do my best to make it feel real. 🎶 ### ⚔️ **Balance of Roleplay and Combat** I like to keep a good balance between **roleplay and combat**. So, if you enjoy tactical battles, you’ll get that, but there’s plenty of room for **character development** too. I’m a sucker for **crits** and **fumbles**, and I’ll let you roleplay those out as much as you want. There’s something fun about leaning into those moments—whether it’s a glorious victory or an epic failure, it adds to the storytelling. 📜 And yes, I’m all about using **crit and fumble cards** to keep things unpredictable, so you never know what might happen next! 🎲 ### 🗣️ **Inclusivity and Player Engagement** One thing I really care about is making sure **everyone at the table feels included**. Whether you're brand new to roleplaying or a bit nervous about getting your voice heard, I’ll check in with you, give you space to speak up, and make sure you’re part of the story. I like to go around the table and see what everyone’s doing, and I’m not shy about giving a nudge if someone’s been quiet for a bit. It’s important to me that **everyone feels comfortable** and has a good time. 😄 ### 📜 **Rules (With a Dash of Flexibility)** I follow the rules—**mostly**! I think they’re there for a reason, but if something unexpected comes up or we hit a snag, I’m not above making an **on-the-spot homebrew ruling** to keep things moving. It’s all about **having fun**, right? 🎉 If you come up with a wild plan or a creative idea, I’m going to do my best to make it work, because those are the moments that really make a game memorable. You’ll get **Hero Points** or other little rewards when you think outside the box, and I love seeing what players come up with. 💡 ### 🤝 **Flexibility** I’ve got three kids myself, so I totally get how life can sometimes throw things off track. If something comes up, I’m **flexible**. We can reschedule or pause—**no pressure**. This is about having fun and creating cool moments together, not stressing over the real world. 🌟

Gameplay details

🛠️ **Session 0** This session will be a time to set expectations, establish boundaries, and go over character creation. We’ll discuss any content you’d like to avoid and make sure everyone is on the same page regarding the tone of the game. ⚠️ **Lines and Veils** We’ll collaboratively set **Lines** (hard boundaries that won’t be crossed) and **Veils** (content that can be in the story but is "faded to black" or handled off-screen). This helps ensure we avoid uncomfortable situations while keeping the game fun for everyone. 🎴 **X, N, and O Cards** These tools allow players to communicate during the game if something becomes uncomfortable. - **X-Card**: Use this to remove content from the game entirely. - **N-Card**: This signals that the scene is veering towards discomfort, but with adjustment, it’s okay to continue. - **O-Card**: This signals that everything is fine and you're enjoying the current scene. 🚪 **Open Door Policy** You are free to leave the game at any time if you feel uncomfortable, need a break, or have an emergency. No explanations needed. ⏱️ **Regular Breaks** We’ll take breaks during the game to ensure everyone has time to step away, recharge, or discuss any concerns. 💬 **Debriefing** After each session, we’ll have a quick debrief to check in on how everyone felt about the game, discuss any highlights or concerns, and address anything that could improve the experience moving forward.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

### 📝 **Session 0: Character Creation and Setup** We’ll get things started with a **Session 0**, so come with a character idea in mind! Your character should have a reason to be in **The Crooked Mug**—whether they’re just passing through, a regular visitor, or born and raised in **Ebonridge**. Either way, there needs to be a reason why you'd be in the tavern that night, so make sure to tie your character to the town in some way. ### 📜 **Character Options** All character options are on the table—**Ebonridge** offers a lot of choice! If you want to play an **undead** character or something outside the box, that’s completely viable here. The best thing to do is ask me, and we can work together to see where we can go with it. I’m flexible with ideas as long as they fit into the story. ### ⚔️ **Starting Level and Variant Rules** We’ll be starting at **Level 2**, and the following variant rules will apply: - 🛠️ **Free Archetype**: You’ll gain a free archetype feat at every even level, allowing your character to take on additional abilities and customization beyond their class. - 📈 **Gradual Stat Allocation**: At each level-up, you can allocate ability boosts flexibly. This means you can apply your boosts in a way that best suits your character without the restrictions of the standard system. - 🧬 **Ancestry Paragon**: Every 2 levels, you’ll gain an additional ancestry feat. This allows you to deepen your character’s connection to their ancestry and gain new abilities more frequently. ### 📚 **Core Books Preferred, But...** I prefer to focus on the **core rulebooks** to keep things streamlined, but I’m open to other options. If you have a specific class, feat, or ancestry in mind from outside the core content, let’s have a conversation about it and figure out what makes sense for the game. I’m happy to be flexible and make it work if it fits the story! If you have any questions or need help before **Session 0**, feel free to reach out and we’ll work through it together! Looking forward to seeing what characters you bring to the table!

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT