New England By Night - Custom FoundryVTT Chronicle
New England By Night - Custom FoundryVTT Chronicle

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Monday - 11:00 PM (UTC)

Sep 23 / Session 2

3-3 Hour duration

4 / 4 Seats filled


Mon, Sep 23 | 11:00 PM - Session 2

Mon, Sep 30 | 11:00 PM - Session 3


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

About the adventure

Vampire: the Masquerade - New England By Night is a custom Foundry VTT Chronicle. It runs on an HTTPS secured custom FoundryVTT media server hosted in NJ, USA. A trailer for the Chronicle can be found here: This story is limited to adults 18+ as, like many World of Horror stories it contains violence, horror, and other mature themes. It spans 5 Chapters that occur in December 2019, after the events of the video game Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong. With a combined 115 fully functional and explorable "levels" spanning 10 Boston neighborhoods, the possibilities for storytelling are endless - and extremely visual. The players are free to explore locales at their discretion, never once needing to ask "how far away is that door again?" - They simply walk up themselves and open it. "Scenes" are halfway between adventure game screen and visual novel. They give a more personal feel to important conversations with NPCs that are aided by switching the top down perspective to a first person one. Fully online, ready to play. No downloads. - all that's needed to play is a high speed internet connection + voice communication via Discord. Players must be free during a 7PM-10PM EDT Monday time slot. FAQ: What do I need to play? 1. High Speed(cable/fiber optic) internet connection 2. Voice chat capability via Discord 3. Availability from 7PM-10PM EDT (Mondays) 4. 18+ years of age (due to violence, horror, and mature themes) 5. In addition to signing up for the campaign on Startplaying.Games, please join the Discord server and fill out player application and consent forms: - This is part of a set of safety tools needed to run the game What if I've never played V:tM before? All experience levels are welcome. I have an extensive knowledge of World of Darkness specific Vampire lore that I am happy to share with newcomers. I don't want the lore of the game to be a hurdle to interested players. Part of the fun of a Vampire chronicle is discovering the world together. How long will the Chronicle last? In my experience as a professional GM, it is difficult to gage this exactly. Sessions may be postposed or side stories may progress in unintended ways. We will aim for weekly sessions, and the overall Chronicle will last at least 15 total sessions - 3 for each chapter of the story. Do I have to play the whole Chronicle? Similar to other collaborative TTRPGs, it's certainly possible to play only a fraction of the total amount of sessions in the Chronicle. We would ideally figure out ways for characters to enter and exit the story or coterie in these instances to accommodate player availability. Can you help me create my Vampire Character? our first session of play will be "Session 0" - a time to work out any and all ways the player characters are involved in the story and what their character sheets look like. I am happy to help throughout this process.

Recruiting notes

Perfect for first time V:tM players. Immerse yourself in the World of Darkness

Voice Actor
Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

4 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Creativity, Visual Aid

Additional details

How to prepare

No experience needed. I am happy to explain any lore or mechanics players may be unfamiliar with. I also have all necessary book materials and cheat sheet / references provided Players need: 1. High Speed (cable/fiber optic) internet connection 2. Voice chat capability via Discord 3. Availability from 7PM-10PM EDT (Mondays) 4. 18+ years of age (due to violence, horror, and mature themes) 5. In addition to signing up for the campaign on Startplaying.Games, please join the Discord server and fill out player application and consent forms: - This is part of a set of safety tools needed to run the game

What I provide

All necessary materials to play V:tM V5 on Foundry are included. Custom tokens, art, maps, etc. Music is played in the background during the session but can be muted by the player. The Chronicle spans 5 Chapters that occur in December 2019, after the events of the video game Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong. The Chronicle will last at least 15 total sessions - 3 for each chapter of the story. With a combined 115 fully functional and explorable "levels" spanning 10 Boston neighborhoods, the possibilities for storytelling are endless - and extremely visual. The players are free to explore locales at their discretion, never once needing to ask "how far away is that door again?" - They simply walk up themselves and open it. "Scenes" are halfway between adventure game screen and visual novel. They give a more personal feel to important conversations with NPCs that are aided by switching the top down perspective to a first person one.

Gameplay details

In addition to signing up for the campaign on Startplaying.Games, please join the Discord server and fill out player application and consent forms: - This is part of a set of safety tools needed to run the game

Content warnings

Safety tools used




Lines and Veils

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

Character creation will be handled during session 0

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT
