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Cuccagna - Isle of Summer

Cuccagna - Isle of Summer

Old-School Essentials | Campaign

About the adventure

From out of the past comes a legend - a legend of a mysterious island of wizards called... Cuccagna! The greatest wizard in mortal memory, Prospero the White, created this land of eternal summer, where strange beasts and stranger people roam endless, enchanted gardens. Then, in a fit of madness, he divided himself into many parts and spread them amongst the island - a Prospero for every color! Now you have been invited to explore this strange isle. Delve into the depths of the Lapis Vaults, last refuge of wizard gone mad! Battle the cult of Apollyon, beautiful demon father of snakes! Rob the House of the Gnoles, where no other thief is brave enough to tread! Raid the Palace of the Sea King, where mermaids swim through the very air! Cuccagna is a sandbox campaign inspired by the fiction of Jack Vance, Clark Ashton Smith, Lord Dunsany, and William Shakespeare. Players will take the role of adventurers in a hex crawl and dungeon campaign on a strange island full of wonderous wizards and beasts from medieval legend. The games rules are based on Old School essentials with custom classes for non-humans and rogues. HIGH ADVENTURE IN THE LAND OF PLEASANT LIVING!



Women/Femme Identifying
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

146 games hosted

Highly rated for: World Builder, Inclusive, Visual Aid

Additional details

How to prepare

Make sure you have a discord account and message me for a link to the discord. Otherwise all programs can be accessed the day of. No rules knowledge is necessary.

What I provide

This game is a sandbox game where players will typically have a number of hooks to chose from for a given session. Most adventures will involve overland travel and exploring a dungeon or other ruin, though city and social adventures will not be completely absent. There are a number of house rules I use for the OSE to tie the setting to my World of Nightwick. We will use owlbear rodeo to map dungeons and wilderness, but mapping will primarily be a player responsibility, not a referee one. Voice chat will be through Discord.

Gameplay details

At the end of each session we will have a brief discussion of how things went and I will occasionally ask for feedback about how the whole campaign is going. If you have any specific issues feel free to contact me individually. The listed content warnings include a wide range of potentials due to the fact that the game is a sandbox game and the flow of events may not go as the referee predicts.

Content warnings

Safety tools used




Open Door

How will character creation work

Characters will be made in session when a new player comes in. They will start at level one. The referee will guide them through the process relatively quickly using Advanced OSE and houserule documents.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Owlbear Rodeo



/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Wednesday - 12:30 AM UTC

Apr 2 / Session 33

2-4 Hour duration

5 / 8 Seats filled


Wed, Apr 02 | 12:30 AM - Session 33

Wed, Apr 09 | 12:30 AM - Session 34


Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+