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Exploring Exandria: The World of Critical Role

Exploring Exandria: The World of Critical Role

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

You have heard the numerous whispered rumors that something is odd in the village of Orlane. Visitors and travelers have gone missing, the townsfolk have been acting strangely, merchants riding through reports of empty farmhouses and overgrown fields. Farmers and their families are fleeing the village seeking to rebuild their farms far away from the troubled location. This once prosperous community is now being shunned by travelers. Can you and your companions discover the secret behind the bizarre behavior of the residents? Will you discover what has become of the missing people? Can you restore peace in this formerly tranquil village? Discover a greater plot behind this disturbance? During this campaign you will: 📣 Have a chance to interact with over 50 villagers and visitors in Orlane. ❓ Gather clues and piece together what is happening in the village. 🤷‍♀️ Navigate through the factions within the community to determine who can be trusted, and who not to trust. 🗺️ Explore the surrounding region. ✨ Find the sources of Orlane's problems and resolve them to liberate the people 📖 Set out on missions connected to your back story and goals. 🔎 Discover connections leading to a greater conspiracy. 🌏 Travel to faraway places in Exandria to unravel a world threatening plot. 🏅 Become heroes of the realm. Behind the scenes, the Betrayer Gods plot their return to the world, cultists seek to bring back darker powers lost for millennia, and power factions aim to overthrow the ruling classes. This is a campaign for 3 to 6 players starting at level 1. Your actions will determine how this story unfolds. It combines mystery with the typical DnD elements of role play and exploration of the village and surroundings. This is a very heavy role play experience starting off. You decide the direction the greater campaign takes and the regions of Exandria you will explore! The setting is Exandria, starting in the swamplands on the eastern side of Tal’Dorei. The greater campaign may take the party across Tal’Dorei into Wildemount, Issylra, and/or Marquet depending upon the player's back stories and their ties into the greater threat.

Game style

Theater of the Mind

“Theater of the Mind” uses little to no visuals for scene settings and combat. Instead, the narrative imagery comes from the Game Master’s descriptions and character action and movement comes from Players’ descriptions.

Recruiting notes

The party is currently in the mountain range of the Stormpoint Mountains. They are searching for a way to the underdark to visit a Drow city to exchange a Drow artifact for a mysterious orb which is desired by the cult of Zehir. They are following several groups of cultists who are searching for a number of items to conduct a ritual which would allow a God to cross the Divine Gate. These same groups had stolen an artifact from the party, so this is now personal! Current party is composed of a Rock Gnome Monk, a Wood Elf Circle of Stars Druid, a Human Assassin/Bard, and a Bugbear Oath of Conquest Paladin . They are currently at 8th level. Chasing down an evil cult while trying to keep rival thieves guilds from declaring open war on the city streets, the party has traveled most of the width of the continent rescuing people, stopping highway robbers, and saving people from kidnappers. Back stories and character goals will determine many of the challenges and obstacles you will face as you unravel some of the secret plots which threaten to unravel the world as you know it. This is an evolving campaign in the style of the Critical Role campaigns. Tal'Dorei, Wildemount, Issylra, and Marquet are all regions which can be explored as the clues and actions of adversaries lead you. You do not need to be familiar with the setting of Exandria to enjoy the story we will create together. Beginners and players of all experience are welcome. I will work with you to help place your back story into the world. Feel free to contact me with any questions!

2 years on StartPlaying

345 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Storytelling

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Create a free account on Roll20 if you do not already have one, Create a free account on Discord if you do not already have one, Have a good microphone which will help with clarity when you speak, Have a good internet connection. Roll20 is very graphics intensive and can slow down with slow internet rates. Think of a character concept with a reason to adventure with the rest of the group.

What I provide

🔴 Very real NPCs with their own personality, goals, and objectives. ⚫ Voiced NPCs 🟠 Access to Pro Subscriber benefits of Roll20 such as Dynamic Lighting and Mods. 🟤 Quality of life macros and mods to make game play easier. 🟡 Backing track to provide appropriate ambiance to the action on the screen. 🟣 Customized maps, handouts for NPCs, important items, and important clues from notes and books. 🟢 A summary of each session posted on Discord and on Roll20 highlighting important aspects of the story and spotlighting significant character and party actions. 💻 The following source books are available to my players within Roll20: Players Handbook, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, Monster Manual, Tashas’ Cauldron of Everything, Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, Tome of Beasts I and II, Kobold Press Deep Magic Planescape, Dragonlance, Lost Mine of Phandelver, Phandelver & Beyond: The Shattered Obelisk. Plus additional maps, tokens, artwork, and modules. 📚 Elements of hard copy or pdf versions of the following may also be used within the game: Tal’Dorei Reborn Campaign Setting, Tome of Beasts III, Dungeon Masters Guide, Dungeons of Drakkenheim, Pexia’s Guide to Omeria, Plus 100's of additional modules and adventures. Mostly, I bring the ability to be agile with the story line and events surrounding the characters in response to their actions. My capability to think beyond a simple story line and create morally ambiguous situations challenges the players to add their voice into the story from beginning to end.

Gameplay details

Session 0 will cover the campaign description, discussion of the content warnings, lines and veils, and safety tools, character creation, and open question period. For character creation, we will roll for ability attribute scores as a group and everyone will be able to choose from any three of the four paired scores for their character. A full description of how this works is available on the Discord server for those who have signed up for the game. During game play, I use X, N, O cards on the VTT for players to signal if something in the story has caused unease and we will stop play and discuss to resolve any issues which may surface. A Discord channel will allow players to acknowledge (stars) exceptional moments of the sessions and provide feedback (wishes) for story elements or actions they wish to see in the upcoming sessions. This adventure is very character driven. NPC actions will directly reflect their individual response to the character actions. Keep that in mind when thinking about your character and their backstory, as elements in your backstory, training, and tool proficiency may aid your ability to connect with the village residents. I will pull elements from your backstory and your character goals and weave them into a greater story with threads you discover during the first part of the campaign. YOU will determine the story we create together!

Content warnings

Safety tools used

• Breaks

• Debriefing

• Lines and Veils

• Session 0

• Stars and Wishes

• X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

We will create characters together during Session 0. We will roll (4d6dl1) a common pool of attribute scores which the players will use to create their characters. This gives the excitement of a random set of numbers but starts all characters off with a common baseline. Please come with a character concept and a brief (one page) background story of your character if you so desire. Pregenerated characters are available for those who would prefer this option

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

• Discord

• Roll20


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Saturday - 6:00 PM UTC

Mar 29 / Session 55

3-3.5 Hour duration

4 / 5 Seats filled


Sat, Mar 29 | 6:00 PM - Session 55


Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+