The Lost Mine of Phandelver - Learn to Play 5e

The Lost Mine of Phandelver - Learn to Play 5e

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Sunday - 12:30 AM UTC

Mar 9 / Session 5

3-3.5 Hour duration

4 / 5 Seats filled


Sun, Mar 09 | 12:30 AM - Session 5

Sat, Mar 15 | 11:30 PM - Session 6

Sat, Mar 22 | 11:30 PM - Session 7

Sat, Mar 29 | 11:30 PM - Session 8


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages

About the adventure

Images of my D&D in Foundry vtt: Please message me if you have any questions! You'll travel through grasslands, forests, and hills, into dusty old structures, dungeons, and caves, to find clues about your missing friend Gundren Rockseeker! Head to Phandalin, a town filled with friendly townspeople waiting for an important delivery from you, adventurers who have taken their latest quest in their journey for secret knowledge, newfound glory, and well paying work. - The world around you has hidden passages to find, friends and enemies to be made, and treasure to take for yourself. It's up to you in what ways you'll do these things, and your decisions affect the people and events in the world. - We Roleplay often, with NPCs and your party members. I always attempt to give every NPC a unique voice, and you can try whatever ideas you have with yours! - Enemies and environments may have puzzles or secondary challenges attached to them. Your creativity can change the game during RP, exploration, combat, and generally all the time. There are solutions to problems that only you can create. If you think it might be possible, always feel free to ask. Other info: In my history of running this Campaign, it takes an average of 16-20 sessions to complete most of its content. This Campaign may contain heavily edited or newly added content involving player character backstory elements.

Recruiting notes

Session 0, or your first official session if you join later on, is free. We play once every week for 3~ hours.

4 years on StartPlaying

14 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher

Additional details

How to prepare

You will need a computer to use Foundry, phones or tablets won't work properly. Surprisingly, Steam Decks work quite well. You need a Discord account for communication. Any setup where an echo or miscellaneous sound isn't picked up is all we're looking for! You have to bring your willingness to have fun! I am going to supply you with situations where you'll have to make decisions, get creative and do what seems best at the time. You'll get into wacky and bizarre confrontations, bring an attitude prepared for both the comedic and the serious scenarios.

What I provide

I'm bringing the intensity of someone who puts way too much time into building games of this nature. FoundryVTT for gaming. I'm running all sorts of modules to clean up, speed up, and enhance the D&D experience both for myself and for you. DungeonDraft for combat maps. When it comes to combat in dungeons in the forests, in caverns, or castles, they should be looking rather spiffy to bring you more immersed into that area, and hopefully allow for your tactical grooviness to shine even brighter than ever before. Occasional background ambient soundscapes, and music.

Gameplay details

My games are all-inclusive, anyone can sign up to play. I do not allow harassment of any kind, but friendly banter is always accepted. Chill out, slip into character, and have fun with new friends. During, before, and after Session 0 will discuss various safety topics to ensure that fun is the only option when we're playing D&D!

Content warnings

Safety tools used





Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

Starting Level is 1-3 depending on the group experience level. Point Buy stats. You may use to simulate the possibilities! Maxed out fixed HP at all Levels. Take an extra Feat at Level 1. No Eberron Mark options for character creation, everything else WotC official is fine. Homebrew must be discussed with GM. You will also gain extra Gold specifically for the sake of purchasing extra non-magic items such as weapons, armor, etc, the amount of Gold you'll receive is based on your primary Class. Your INT modifier (such as +1, +2, +3, +4, +5,) is also a number of points you can spend on proficiency/expertise. 1 point may give you proficiency for a skill (like Insight or Animal Handling,) a weapon/armor, a tool, or a language, and you can use a point to gain expertise in a skill/tool you're already proficient in.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


Foundry VTT