Dungeon Crawl 101: An Open-Table Intro to D&D
Dungeons & Dragons 0e, SOJOURN | Campaign
About the adventure
Felt that dungeoneering fever but never knew where to start? Our game’s got you covered! Join us for ongoing adventures in a mythic world of dark ruins, dangerous monsters, and wilderness wonders. New players are welcome at any time. Every session, we’ll cover the ropes of character creation and advancement before diving into exciting escapades. Whether as warriors, rogues, zealots, or mages, we’ll learn how to think creatively and work together with an adventuring party to overcome all sorts of fantastical challenges. No prior experience with D&D or RPGs is required! We’ll be using Sojourn dungeon-crawling rules, which are easy to learn and rewarding to master. Free digital copies will be provided to every player.
This game run will run weekly, barring unforeseen circumstances.
Additional details
How to prepare
We’ll be running the adventure mostly through Discord video chat. You’ll need only a free Discord account, a webcam, and a microphone. Please make sure to test your webcam, microphone, and internet connection in Discord in advance to make sure they are working. Once you sign up to play, you’ll be sent a link to our private Discord server. Each game session will last around 3-4 hours. All rules will be explained as we play. If you’re the kind of person who likes to get a head start on learning, you are welcome to read the first 6 pages—the “How to Play” section—of Sojourn RPG in advance. Feel free to ask questions at any time during play!
What I provide
I’ll bring a curated soundscape, evocative maps, dazzling images, and anything else we need to have a grand adventure together. Dice rolls will be handled via bots in the Discord server.
Gameplay details
Every session, we’ll catch up with our characters and talk through their goals for the day’s adventure. Then we’ll dive right into: 🗺 Player-driven exploration of a unique fantasy world filled with wonders and dangers 🧭 High-tension wilderness, dungeon, and urban adventuring 🕯 Weird magical mysteries 🎭 Lively faction play, with the option to get entangled in deadly political intrigue ⏳ The power of creative problem-solving 📜 Lite and versatile rules, easy to learn and rewarding to master ⚔️ Fast, dynamic, and lethal combat. Violence is always an option, though not often the wisest! 🔥 The option of expanding out into a larger campaign with more adventures!
Content warnings
• Alcohol Use
• Alcoholism
• Animal Death
• Blood
• Body Horror
• Character Death
• Classism
• Death
• Drowning
• Fire
• Gore
• Kidnapping
• Insects
• Murder
• Sexism
• Mutilation
• Violence
• Hostages
• Trauma
• Snakes
• Scars
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Luxton Technique
• Session 0
How will character creation work
We’ll start with “level 1” characters just beginning their career as adventurers. As Referee, I’ll help you create your own custom characters, or you can choose one of any number of exciting “pre-generated” characters ready to play right away. Time will be set aside at the beginning of each session to talk about characters and character creation.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Custom / Tuesday - 7:20 AM UTC
3-4 Hour duration
1 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: 18+