Curse of Strahd 🦇: Play By Post (PBP) 📱
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
In a cursed land of mists and darkness, you have caught the attention of an ancient evil vampire. Will you seek to escape his grasp or fall into his crushing embrace? Join our story to find out! 🌕 Lycanthropes, vampires, ghouls, and all manner of ghastly foes 🃏 Fortunes of fate for each character ⚱️ Find lost treasures and use them against evil 🏰 Explore classic Gothic locations 🎭 Engage in a character-driven story created around your backstory 📖 Revamped content to build and release tension 📱Asynchronous Play by Post (see more in Gameplay Details below)
Game style
Theater of the Mind
“Theater of the Mind” uses little to no visuals for scene settings and combat. Instead, the narrative imagery comes from the Game Master’s descriptions and character action and movement comes from Players’ descriptions.
💲Payment will be collected once a week on Sunday. 💬 Posting will be asynchronous (post when you can during the day) and daily. 📱We will use Discord (text only), D&D Beyond (linked through my account so I can see your character sheets), Avrae, and a Discord bot called Tupperware. 🗡 Combat will be run on Discord with Avrae and basic battlemaps. ❗️Group at level 1! Fresh Game
Additional details
How to prepare
You will need: 1️⃣ A stable internet connection. 2️⃣ A Discord account (free). 3️⃣ D&D Beyond for character sheets.
What I provide
1. I will have an organised and complete campaign that is responsive to the players interests and character’s goals. 2. I bring detailed Non-player Characters (NPC’s) and background images to the game to enhance your immersion. 3. I am available (within reason) for any of your needs and wants!
Gameplay details
Curse of Strahd can be a brutal, stressful, and alienating experience. Your character will be in a dark gothic land quite different from the world they know. The adventure contains several encounters and areas that will likely be far beyond your capabilities when you first encounter them and it does not provide routine or readily-available loot or magical items. As-written this campaign is full of disturbing and graphic content. If you are potentially triggered by elements of child abuse, murder, stalking, gaslighting, torture, mind control, cannibalism, child death, animal cruelty, body horror, child abandonment, or portrayals of alcoholism or drug abuse, please reach out to me about working around or entirely avoiding these elements. This is a Play-by-Post (PBP) adventure and it will take place entirely on Discord. The game can be entirely played using a mobile device, or tablet. The Avrae Bot will connect to your character in D&D Beyond and we will use it to perform rolls and other game actions. You will have 24 hour access to these channels, but the game is asynchronous, meaning people will post when they can within 24 hours. I will check in multiple times a day to move the game forward, but you don't have to be online at the same time. Make your updates on your schedule! Session 0 (done over text in Discord): Before we jump into the module we will cover ground rules, align expectations, character build, and get to know each other.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Bleed
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Luxton Technique
• Open Door
• Session 0
How will character creation work
We will collaborate as a group to create flushed out characters that have bonds to each other and the module. This will happen over Discord in an out of character channel and then character sheets will be created on D&D Beyond through my campaign link (to be shared when we have a full group). Characters will be level 1 to start unless we are mid-campaign. Come with a loose idea for a couple characters you’d like to play and we can firm it up together.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• D&D Beyond
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Sunday - 11:00 PM UTC
Mar 30 / Session 2
3-4 Hour duration
7 / 8 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: All Ages